14. james pov

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I didn't mean for Lyla to find out about the plan like she did.

In all honesty I almost had forgotten about the whole thing. Every moment I had fun with her I wasn't thinking of the plan, but I really didn't want her to find out like she had.

Something about seeing her injured in that forest did something to me. I wanted to scoop her into my arms and assure her it'd be okay, so I did.

After I brought her home that night I wasn't expecting her to be as mad as she was. Even though I knew she had every right to be.

She had called me names and swatted my hands away from helping her, she even felt the need to lie about visiting Regulus as if he'd forbid her.

Honestly now I just wanted to help her, I didn't care about the plan. I wanted Lyla to feel comfortable around me.

I wanted to be her friend, I wanted to run my hands through her dark hair. I imagined how nice it would feel to touch her silky skin.

Today we had guests coming over, my parents were going out of town for the weekend, so we invited some of our friends over.

We asked Remus, a few kids from Gryffindor, some of Regulus's friends, and  Marlene, Lily, and Alice.

Sirius and I had stocked up on fire whiskey prior, we also had got some veritaserum to make things more fun.

Regulus and Lyla seemed very non enthusiastic about the party, both complaining when we told them.

Regulus insisted on inviting some of his Slytherin friends, which we didn't enjoy but agreed nonetheless.

Lyla had ran upstairs when she heard they were on the way, saying something about how she had to get pretty.

I found that stupid considering how pretty I thought she was without all the extra stuff.

A knock on the door rung throughout the house, it was Lily and her friends. Quickly after came Remus and the rest of our friends. Regulus's friends showed up soon after.

Lyla snuck back downstairs, blending in with the mess of people. Her dress was a light green color, on the line of sage and sea foam. It was skin tight but not in an uncomfortable way, more of a hugging feeling against her body. It was cut low on her chest, opting for a large amount of cleavage to where she could flash someone if she moved the wrong way.

She had chose to pull her hair into a messy high pony, pieces framing her face.

She saw Remus and stumbled through the people to reach him.

She noticed him look her up and down, not doing it for very long. "You look nice."

Lyla smiles, "Thanks Remus."

I watched the two interact, glaring at the back of Remus's head as I watched him stare at her.

I waltzed over to her, grabbing a drink for her on the way.

"Lyla." I yelled out smiling when she turns around. She rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes James?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice, I knew she was mocking me.

I just look her up and down dramatically, "You look stunning."

She rolls her eyes again, "Shut up and give me that drink." She reaches for it but I pull my hand back in time and raise it.

"Magic word?" I smirk knowing I was annoying her.

"You're an insufferable ass." She smiles while achieving taking it from my hands.

She gulped it all down in one drink, barely flinching at the taste.

"I gotta go guys," Lyla looks at a person in the room, "See ya later Remus."

I sarcastically smile as she hits my shoulder on her way, barely moving at her small frame.

I watch as she goes to talk to Regulus and his friends, I scowl when I see the way they were looking at her.

I walk back over to the drinks, grabbing another one and swallowing it.

A tall red head comes into my view of sight, I sigh when I realize it was Lily.

"James!" She smiles, "I wasn't expecting to see you."

I gape my mouth slightly, "It's my house?"

She giggles dramatically, "Oh right."

I just walk away bidding her a smile, I fasten my stead to reach Sirius.

"Pads!" I yell out over the music, "Found yourself a girl?" I gesture to the random blonde hanging off his shoulder.

Sirius smirks, "Oh yeah."

He then glances towards Lyla, "Look Lyla's a bit of a lightweight, watch over her please. Don't let her do anything stupid."

I nod annoyed, I didn't wanna be her babysitter but I also didn't want her to do anything she'd regret.

All of us end up surrounding the coffee table by the couch, the large couch was slightly crowded. I was on the end with Lyla on my left side.

She was pressed tightly against me due to the overflow of people, it was an awkward position, she was practically under my arm.

We decide to play a game called truth or dare, but with a twist of veritaserum.

It was Remus's turn first, he chose truth.

I spoke up, "Is it true that you slept with that 5th year?" He nods embarrassed.

Marlene had spoken up next, "James truth or dare."

I chose truth, I was too tired to have to get up and do a dare.

"Who is the hottest person here?" She handed me the vial of veritaserum, I gulped while taking the liquid.

"Lyla." I let it slip out before I could stop it, she glances up at me with a frown.

Everyone laughs while her cheeks go red, I wink at the girl below me.

We played for awhile, everyone eventually got bored though.

I had gone to the bathroom, I then remembered I needed my sweatshirt from Lyla's room. I walked in there without knocking, thinking no one would be in there.

I found Evan Rosier on top of a girl, a girl I soon notice to be Lyla. Her long dark was flowed out beneath him, he was kissing up and down her body and neck.

I storm towards them angrily, neither noticing me. I rip Evan off of her and throw a steady punch, smiling sadistically in delight when I heard a crack.

Lyla jumps up from the bed quickly trying to pull me away, "James! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I gently push her away from me, and I continue to throw more punches at him, cringing when he gets me below my eye.

Soon enough someone successfully pulls me off of him, I notice it to be Sirius. Lyla starts helping Evan off the floor, she glares at me and hits my shoulder while basically dragging him out of the room.


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