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Lyla Black hated her brother's friends.

She's hated them since they introduced themselves on the train and she hates them now when they seem to use her for every prank they wanna try.

It's not that they were necessarily bad people or such, they just took it out of their day to annoy her constantly.

Especially James Potter, the annoying quidditch loving, glasses wearing freak that hated Lyla just as much as she hated him.

Lyla thought that James was an immature bully who humiliated her on purpose, and James thought Lyla was a boring girl who needed to have fun.

Lyla was furious anytime James came into her sight, and since her brother was Sirius Black, that was quite often.

Lyla Black was born three minutes before Sirius, making her the oldest. A year later Regulus was born.

"Oi!" A loud voice echoes into Lyla's compartment, "Did you get any chocolate from the trolley?"

Lyla turns her head to see her obnoxious brother sitting next to her, "No Sirius, unlike you I don't fill myself right up before the feast." She rolls her eyes.

Sirius sighs and gets up, "That's too bad sister, i'm starving." And with that he leaves.

Lyla just huffs as her brother leaves, flopping onto her seat with an exasperated yawn.

Lyla usually didn't sleep a lot at night, the constant coldness in Grimmwauld Place kept her awake, the slight hum throughout the house was haunting.

All of a sudden a loud noise awakes her from her half sleep, a giggle too. Opening her eyes she is met with Lily Evans and Marlene Mckinnon, two of her closest friends.

"Lyla!" Marlene shouts while laughing, "Why are you sleeping?"

Lyla gives her a blank look, "Because I was tired Mar." She rolls her eyes.

Lyla excused herself to use the loo, barely keeping her eyes open on her walk. All of a sudden she rams into a hard wall, only to realize it wasn't a wall.

A large hand wraps around her front, catching her from falling. She silently thanks them for that, but then she realizes who it is.

James Potter. The bane of her existence. She quickly shoves his hand off her, glaring at him in the process.

He throws his hands up in fake excitement, "My least favorite Black!"

Lyla scowls and tries to brush past him, but he places a menacing grip on her shoulder.

"Tell your brother i'm looking for him." James pats her shoulder before letting her go.

Lyla looks at him suspiciously, "Yeah whatever."

epiphany, james potter Where stories live. Discover now