Chapter 2: Shrek's Needs

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Shrek looked down at the slender fluffy frame of The Grinch. He knew his name was The Grinch because it said so on his empty mailbox, and he knew The Grinch was nervous because of his jittery speech. "I already told you. I am Shrek. I traveled here from a swamp. And I'm an ogre. Now you, I believe, are The Grinch. And you have something I want."

The Grinch looked back at him, and quietly whispered to himself "I, I have garlic in my soul. I am a force of evil that cannot be stopped." He looked upward with defiance in his gaze. "I have little that would interest you, and even if I did, my things are mine."

Shrek watched the performance with interest, and calmly repeated "You have something I want. A place to stay a night or two. A meal or two. Warmth." Shrek was careful to say it innocently, and hoped it was enough for The Grinch. At the moment, nothing he was saying seemed to help relax The Grinch, which was a pity. Shrek felt that the cave was the closest thing he had to the swamp. One had snow. One did not. One had an appalling lack of crocodiles and mud. One did not. But both had darkness, a certain smell, and a sense of home.

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