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"Nobody's saying our neighbourhoods the Garden of eden, Hell some people say God avoids this place all together, But its home to us, to me and my kids who i'm proud of because everyone one of the reminds me a-bit of myself."

"Fiona, my rock, huge help, has all the best qualities of her mother. Expect shes not a raging psycho bitch.
Lip, smart as a whip, straight As and honour roll, boys definitely going somewhere.
Vivian, hilarious girl, always cracking jokes and up to protect her family.
Ian, industrious, conscientious, ambitious, incredible work ethic, don't have a clue where he got that from. Whats to be a paratrooper, knows how to disembowl an enemy with a roll of quarters and a gym sock.
Carl..dont know much about Carl. Oh! Loves animals, always taking them up to his room.
Ah Debbie, total angel, sent by God. Raises money for unicef year round, some she actually hands in.
Liam, gonna be a star. Im not biologist but he looks like my first sponsor."

Vivi was age 14 when she went off the rails, running away after becoming involved in gang culture. She was funny and clever however, the pressure of following in Lips footprints and not being over-taken by Ian slowly weared her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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