"So, do you guys like seeing the ocean?"

Thomas shook his head

"Nope, we are not changing the subject."

I muttered under my breath

"Shuck. . ."

Newt gave me an embarrassed look

"Good try Min."

Aris looked thoughtful

"You know, maybe you should."

Newt looked at Aris

"Should what?"

Brenda scoffed and rolled her eyes

"You know! Get a house together!"

Thomas was grinning

"You know, it would save materials. . ."

Newt rolled his eyes

"Thank you Tommy."

Frypan shrugged and gave us a playful smile

"I think the lovebirds just need time to decide!"

I gave Frypan a pointed look

"Well, maybe you should let us have some time then."

I felt pressure on my hand, and looked down to see Newt's hand on top of mine. Brenda shot me and Newt that smug smile of hers

"Okay, fine."

She grabbed Thomas's arm, and started pulling him away, then turned to Frypan and Aris, still with that smug look

"Guys, c'mon, we have to give them time. They get some time right now. Then they get to tell us."

Frypan and Aris got up and followed them, leaving me and Newt alone. I slumped my head onto Newt

"What did we do to deserve this?"

Newt half heartedly chuckled


I just groaned and put my other hand on top of Newts. He put his other hand on mine. We both had no free hands now. We sat there in a comfortable silence for about a minute, before Newt spoke

"So? Should we do it?"

"Do what?"

Newt rolled his eyes

"Come on. The house."

I took my hands back, and ran a hand through my hair.

"I- um, well what do you think?"

Newt immediately turned the most adorable shade of red.

Or. . .it was cute until my brain shoved a very unwelcome thought into my head.

The same color of the blood around his leg

I bit my lip to stop myself from breaking down right then and there. Newt was stammering, also clearly unsure of what to say.

"I-I, w-well, w-we-"

Then I had a thought. Another unwelcome one.

We wouldn't live forever.

I mean, I guess I knew that, in the back of my mind.

Shuck, why was all the 'back of my mind' stuff coming so sudden and fast?

Newt wouldn't be here forever. I wouldn't be here forever. Newt was still trying to think of words, when I interrupted him

"We should do it."

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