Chapter 1 : Primisi

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*This mind or mind will be a little bit long or so, about it this may be in rush when I make it and a lot of Error, so I want to say sorry if this chapter is hard to understand *

Two Days Late

Third Pov

At a house with a healthy family,  there is a very young and happy child who is ready to go school when waiting for her Papa who is counsel at MMU 

"Papa comes already, Papa are you done yet?" Said the child with two questions at the same time to her father at the in front door with her pet cat name Pupu who seems like just wants to see what the owner will do in this situation

Then her father finally comes who is known as Captain Justice, Captain Papa, Papadeal, Couch Papa, Math Teacher Papa, Pirate Papa enemy of justice the love of evil, Enemy of Evil The Love of Justice, Papayam, and so on but he mostly know as PAPA ZOLA by neighborhood and the fans

He comes, with a small pink cute robot in his head with an annoying face like this is normal runtime day already that his has in throughout his life before

'Sigh'"How can do justice, prepare when there is someone who doesn't want to stop bothering or leave justice up"Papa zola said, to his only daughter and only child Pipi Zola well that's just her nickname not full name but you  guys do know the reason why right?

The child just smiles and laughs after hearing her father's explanation about it "Alah Papa, Cimubot just wanna play with Papa" Answer her, to her father with innocent face

"Haai, now come let's go or else we will be late" Said justice, to Pipi  and just like that he quickly put the Power Sphera down, picked Pipi up to sit in children's highchairs , say good bye or see you late his wife aka Pipi Mother, now they are ready to go 

At TAPOPS station

Nut Pov
"Huh" is the last stuff I needed before going to a mission by Commander order and with the twins. I hear, some other Alien that problemly humanoid also gonna join us

"I better go to the spaceship now". Nut  packed up and ran away toward the hill where everyone should be.

Huh, looks like I was the first. Well better wait for the other than, I open up applications in my watch and listen to my favorite music aka Lo-Fi when waiting


Hm?" Oh! Hey Cattus and Bellbot "I said with the best smile I have to them both

Cattus, a green cactus cat from planet Gurunda, a Desert planet that had population still unknown number on it and how many special lives there is still unknown to TAPOPS

Meow ,Meow~~
(Morning four fingers )

"Morning Nut, so you are the first?" Bellbot said, even though I can't really see he but"it seems like it, say Bellbot are you and Cattus also will join the mission too?" If we go on this mission together, better speed time talking to both better then do nothing......Right??

"Yes, we're going on this mission" he answered me well then guess "Bellbot, Cattus, do you two mind speed time with me until Commender and the others are here?"

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