My face was an inch away from his. I was screaming now.

"That's what I shucking told Newt!!! The night when that stupid kid said there was no way out, whenever he felt sad, it was the last shucking thing I said to him before we went to different sections!!! Did things turn out okay there? No they didn't!!! Never tell me it'll be okay again. Never!"

I fell to the ground shaking uncontrollably, my head in my hands. My small amount of remaining energy spent. Alby knelt down next to me, trying to console me.

"Shhh. Minho, it'll be o-"

I glared at him.

"I mean, Newt is awake. I spoke to him. Maybe you can visit him in the morning if you want. He could really use a friend right now."

I jumped up, and started running towards the med-jack hut, eager to see Newt. but, I had forgotten the fact I had no energy, so instead I face-planted onto the leaf strewn dirt. Alby walked over and helped me up.

"Woah, Minho, I said in the morning. You're too beat to even raise your head. Go to sleep."

Alby started helping me back to the hammocks. That was the wrong way. I wanted to stay here. I wanted to be with Newt.

"Alby, c-could I sleep here tonight?"

Alby looked at me with a slight smile.

"Yes, Minho, of course you can. I know this was your and Newt's spot as of a couple days ago."

A couple days? Has it really only been a couple of days? A couple of days ago we were laughing and joking, and now. . .

"And, I think it's needless to say, that you have the day off tomorrow."

"Th-Thanks Alby. You're the best."

"Darn right I am!"

Alby got me to the little alcove, and walked away. Leaving me alone. I drift off.

I was sitting at a bonfire with Newt

It's all black and white

Except for Newt

He was laughing

He was colorful

There were other people, but I couldn't see their faces

They were just dark outlines

I couldn't hear what they were saying

Only Newt

I couldn't feel the heat

Now I'm back in the secret spot

Again black an white

Joking with Newt

He was colorful

I couldn't smell the trees

I couldn't feel the grass

Only Newts warm body pressed to mine

Now I'm just in the glade

With Newt

Again black and white

Except for Newt

He's colorful

Again there were people

But just black shapes

I still couldn't hear them

Now I'm by the hammocks

No Newt

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