"Hush jungkook! He's the one that's suppose to be saying this. You told me you both love each other, I'm not sure he's going to leave you anytime soon"


"Yes. Now get back to work. You're having a meeting in thirty minutes"

Jungkook sighed with his eyes closed before nodding.


Seungmin mumbled then left the office.


Next day....

Jimin arrives at Eun woo's hospital, yes he owns a hospital.

He nervous took out his phone then dialed Eun woo's number.

"Hey. I'm outside"

"Okay. Just go in and tell the woman at the reception that you have an appointment with me"


Jimin hung up.

Jimin walked into the hospital like he owned it.

"Good day young lady. What may I do for you?"

The woman at the counter said.

Jimin frowned.

"Why does everyone think I'm a woman! I'm a man!" Jimin said frustratedly.

The woman's eyes widen and she studied jimin's dress code with furrowed brows.

"A.. are you sure ma'am?" She asked hesitantly.

"Fuck you. Tell me where Eun woo's office is. I have an appointment with him"

"Okay. Let me quickly call him. What's your name ma'am?"

Jimin ignored how she was addressing him and said.


The woman dialed in the telephone then placed it on her ear.

"Hello sir.....a woman named jimin said she has an appointment with you but her name is not showing on the computer........a...a man?.........okay sir"

She placed the telephone down.

"I'm sorry sir. I just got confused cause of the way you look" she said to jimin apologetically.

"It's okay. Where's his office?"

"Third floor. Number forty six, use the elevator" she smiled politely.

Jimin hummed then walked to were she pointed that the elevator was.


When he arrived at the floor, he walked straight ahead while looking at the numbers and names on the door and then finally came across forty six.

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