"Hi I'm yailah but you can call me Renny"

My son looked at me with tears in his eyes and all I could do was look at him he was so handsome he kind of looked like me

"You're my mom"

"Yes I'm your mom"

He got up and gave me a hug and I hugged him back as tight as I could like I never wanted to let him go

After we were done I sat down

"Hi I'm Sheila I'll give you guys a minute to talk"

"Thank you"

"Why did you give me up please just tell me the truth I'm a big boy I can handle it"

"Well my mom did some horrible things to me she sold me to some men I ended up getting sexually assaulted and I got pregnant with you the day I had you she took you from me and gave you away"

"Why did you wait until now to see me"

"I wasn't in the right head space until now and I thought you would be better off without knowing who I was but my dad your grandfather was always looking after you"

"So what happens now"

"What do you want to happen I'm not going to take you from the family you've known this mom thing is new to me"

" I want you in my life"

"That's fair we can take it one day at a time"

"Did you name me"

"Yes I did"

Can you say it for me nobody pronounces it right"

"Ya'mir Zion Lewis you have my last name"

"How did you come up with that"

"Well your uncle's name is Amir and my name starts with a y so I just put them together I was set on that name when I first found out about you"

"I like it can I spend time with you today and meet my uncle"

"You gotta ask your mom"

"She's not my mom and never will be I always felt out of place no matter where I went the foster care was an ass"

"I don't mind if you curse here and there but don't get too comfortable you have a lot of people to meet not just your uncle and you also have an auntie"

"Okay she coming back in now I'll ask her"

"I hope you found the answers to your questions"

"Yea I did can I go with her today"

"I'll drop him off around 7 if that's fine"

"Of course, that's fine have fun mir"

She hugged him and got up

"It was nice to meet you I'll send you the address"

"It was nice to meet you too thank you for taking care of him I really appreciate it"

"No problem he's a really good kid"

Then she left

"So what do you want me to call you I see she calls you Mir"

"Well she can't pronounce it right but you're my mom so it doesn't matter to me"

"Well I'll call you Zion I go by my middle too nobody can pronounce my name right either"

"I'ma call you my mom because that's who you are to me"

"And I will always be starting on the minute I walked through those doors"

He gave me another hug and I never felt so complete in my whole life

"Alright you ready to go"


I checked my phone and seen everyone was already at my house

"Wait this is your car"


"This shit is so sweet"

"Alright so first thing you can curse around me I don't mind because it's a way of how you can express yourself but we not saying bitch, fuck, or the other crazy curse words I don't care if you say nigga or shit or hell and these people you are about to meet are not the most normal people I'm just letting you know now if you feel uncomfortable let me know and if you don't like something they said let me know and I'll handle it okay?"


"I smoke weed im just letting you know now if you don't like it we won't smoke around you"

"It doesn't bother me but thanks for the heads up"

"What's your music taste"

"I love music and mainly r&b"

"Good choice good choice"

"For your to be 8 you are very mature"

"Yeah didn't have a choice like I said foster care was hell I'll tell you when the time is right"

"That's fair"

I played Reckless by Arin Ray and sped off

20𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

We pulled up to the house

"You ready to meet these gremlins"


She finally met her son

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She finally met her son

So who should I make pregnant next

I'm not adding anybody to the friend group maybe not sure yet

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