Chapter 10: Cheers To The Emperor

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Back to Eliott's POV:

I walk around the empire once more, trying to retrace my steps and figure out where Susie could have gone.
Socket was surprisingly still asleep, but I didn't blame him. After all, we were woken up earlier today, plus I just didn't wanna feel rude or like a bother and wake him up.

After a while of going back and forth, I couldn't find her anywhere. I know she's around the empire, obviously, but I was pretty close to giving up...
But maybe she was in a store, trying to buy dessert or something else? She seemed like the type to do so...

So, that's what I did. I looked through different stores, yet she wasn't in any of them so far...
I did also buy a small muffin,  so I can hand it to her. I also bought one for Socket for when he wakes up.
They deserve it for all the trouble I put them through, after all!

While walking along the paths and zoning out in my thoughts, I felt eyes staring at me. Not just from one person, but from many people. It felt.. so uncomfortable to be stared at like that, it was so off-putting. I don't want to make assumptions so soon, since I haven't talked to them about it, but it was probably due to the situation with Alexander and Susie...

I can understand why they'd do such a thing, though. After all, some outsiders treated their emperor like an equal and talked to him so casually. I'm sure I would have been a bit weirded out, too...

While zoning out in my thoughts, I bump into someone by accident; making them drop their things.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Please, let me help you-"

"Oh, you again."

..Of course, the person I bumped into was Sumi. My day just keeps getting better...
I'm not.. stubborn, I am not! It's just.. she's off.

"It's good to see you again, madam. Please forgive me for my foolishness," I quickly grabbed the things she had bought, handing them to her carefully.
I saw I accidentally spilt something she had.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I could get another one of those things for you?"

"Oh, dear no, it's fine," Sumi said reassuringly, smiling.

"Are you sure? I can find other ways to repa-"

"No, no, seriously, it's fine." Sumi giggled, giving a small bow and leaving.

I sighed, maybe I seriously was a bit stubborn. I can't tell whether I'm rude or not sometimes. But now I just feel guilty, I'll have to make it up to her one way or another...

Socket yawned, finally waking up. He didn't say anything, just a small 'morning' and rubbed his eye.

I examined the thing I accidentally spilt, so I can buy another and give it to Sumi the next time I see her.

..Yet... I couldn't identify what it was. It looked.. suspicious.

But I'm sure it was just some kind of cultural drink, something I hadn't seen.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and...

This person is WAY taller than me! 

My body flinches, Socket staring up at the person from behind.

"Oh, hai guys!! This is my new friend, Eiectio! Isn't he pretty??" Susie came from behind him, holding his hand.

Did she befriend a criminal or something?! That man is extremely intimidating!!

"O-Oh, uh, hello, sir!.. A pleasure to meet you!" I hold out my hand for a handshake.

The man only stayed silent, hesitantly and slowly moving his hand to mine. His hand was really cold, despite them having gloves on...


Hold on, is he.. shaking??
I look up at the man again, he was sweating and trembling slightly. He was looking down at the floor, avoiding any sort of eye contact.

Ohhh!! I get it! He just has social anxiety. He isn't intimidating on purpose.

Eiectio's POV:

Oh. My Medina. Why is he looking at me?? Do I have something on my face? I was in a rush this morning, I had to brush my teeth fast, it must be a toothpaste stain!!

How could I be such an idiot?! And why did I give him my hand so slowly, he probably thinks I don't like him or something!


..And I feel a pat on my back from the man, seeming to be smiling at me warmly.

"My name is Eliott, Eliott Exlander! It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Eiectio!"

"..Pleasure.. is mine.." I say back to him, my voice barely above a whisper.

What if he didn't hear that?! Do I repeat it? But what if he already heard it, and I still repeated it??

At this point, my mind begins to overflow with thoughts until I quickly snap back to reality.

I notice a small puddle of greenish liquid by Eliott's feet, it seemed familiar to me, something I had seen before.

I silently move around Eliott, his small friend and Susie, who seem to be talking to each other. I examine the liquid, and was about to ask Eliott where he found it;

..But he's already talking to Susie and his small friend, so I would be bothering him... I can just figure this out myself.

It certainly didn't look like the type of normal drink you'd see in this empire, not at all. It kind of looked like...

Medicine? But it was off, somehow, I know it. I'm a doctor, after all.

..Uh, not to brag that I am one. Sorry.

My last option seems completely out of my mind but stay with me on this. (please).

It looks like poison.
Yeah, I know, it's kind of cliché. Or maybe you don't think that you can have different opinions- oh wait, who am I even talking to? Am I talking to myself??

Forget it, I'm getting off-topic. Someone had spilt literal poison on the floor. And based on how kind Eliott seemed, plus him being from the other empire, means he wouldn't have known what this was.

Someone else had spilt it.

"Um.. hey, Eliott? Do.. you know who.. spilt this?" I ask, stepping away from the small puddle.

"Oh, yeah, Sumi bought it. I was thinking of buying another one of those for her to make up for spilling it. Do you know what it is?" Eliott asks me, raising his eyebrows.

"It's... poison, Emperor Eliott. Poison."

A look of surprise washes over Eliott's face, along with Socket and Susie's.

Oh dear, if I'm wrong, I'll ruin Sumi's reputation..! But, I'm still mostly sure it's poison.

"I knew there was something wrong with her," Eliott states, his eyebrows furrowing in anger.

Susie huffs, puffing her cheeks. "I should have known!" She said in an upset tone of voice, but honestly,
I can't take her seriously. She looks too adorable like that.

..Wait, what am I saying? Oh yeah.

Eliott storms off along with Socket, I think he's going somewhere. Susie grabs my hand and drags me along, too.

..Someone's in trouble...

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