Chapter XXVIII 💌

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That night everyone read their letters. Some cried, some laughed, some did both. Zenitsu had the gift to collect all the good things and put them in a letter.

Now it was Tanjiro's turn.

The burgundy male has been staring at the letter for what it felt like hours.

With all his courage, he starts opening the envelope carefully, not wanting to break anything.

He takes out the letter and opens it with Zenitsu's neat handwriting.

A little bit shaky, Tanjiro starts reading:

Dear Tanjiro,

I never thought I would actually have to write this kind of letter. I was always so terrified of death. Now, I'm just waiting it to strike. If you are reading this, it's probably because it happened. Oh god, this is so hard to write. I'll just sum it up so it's not to long for you.

I remember the first day I met you, it's wasn't really the best encounter since you know...past me was weird. I never heard a sound so beautiful as yours, it made me want to be by your side forever. Throughout time, we did missions together and, of course, we bumped into Inosuke. To be honest, all missions are scary, I was crying my eyes out over nothing. However, it's true you all made the mission..more fun. I first thought of you as teammates but, as time passed by, you became my friend. I've never had friends before, at least real ones so meeting you was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. You are so caring towards others and are so brave. I admire you Tanjiro. It's hard to believe we became best friends. People would be confused as why you were friends with such a crybaby like me. I thought they were right, I thought you just had to deal with me and that's it. I mean I am pretty boring, I'm surprised you had fun around me. However, you proved them wrong. You stuck with me no matter what and I really appreciate that.

I have to admit when you started meeting all these new people like the Hashiras or friends you've encountered in missions, I got a little jealous. I thought you would leave me for them which was fair enough because they are much more better than me. In the end, since you introduced them to me, I made new friends.

You made me such a better person than I was before. That's your gift I guess, you turn people into the better version of themselves. That's why everyone loves you. Even though you are selfless and a dumb forehead, everyone adores you. You are kind and a ray of sunshine! I'm so glad I got to be your friend Tanjiro.

However, ever since my disease, things were horrible and complicated. It was shit. Nothing could come back to the things they were before.

Tanjiro lets out a tear.

'I'm so glad I was you friend too. Don't say those things about yourself. You were never boring, I always wanted to be around you. I really wish I could go back right now to tell you this.'

He keeps on reading.

I hate to tell you this but there is something I haven't told you about this disease...

Tanjiro raises his eyebrows.

Tanjiro, this disease is based on one-sided love. The person coughs up flower if they feel their loved one doesn't respond them.

The male stops reading. Wait what? Who would not love Zenitsu? He thinks to himself. He was a little curious on who this person was. A strange feeling in his stomach. It was uncomfortable. Zenitsu loved someone?

You probably may be thinking who this person is. I don't really have the courage to say it to their face because I'm sure they would hate me.

Tanjiro is starting to get angry. Why would this person hate them?

I am in love with someone I'm not supposed to be. And that person, Tanjiro, is you.

The burgundy stops in his tracks. He felt a shiver down his spine yet his face getting flustered. His eyes glowing, tearing up.

You must hate right now, haha. The rules are to fall in love with your opposite gender not same. I was always the weird case I guess. Mitsuri told me it was alright, love is love. Same with Inosuke. I knew they were right but people are evil. They would make us excluded of society and kill us. Love isn't enough for them. Anyway, it's not like you would accept my feelings. Nora already told me, you and her were moving up to be more than friends.

I just couldn't stop loving you. My love grew stronger and stronger every single day. In the end, you could say I died of love.
Let me tell you one last thing, thank you Tanjiro. Thank you for being my friend and making me laugh. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for making me found a new family. And please, please promise me to not forget about me. Don't forget all the things we did together and our friendship. I love you Tanjiro Kamado.

A tear falls on the letter. Tanjiro is sobbing uncontrollably and hugs the letter as if it was Zenitsu himself.

"You dummie! Why didn't you tell me..?" He cries as the tears won't stop. "I wouldn't have of-"

He cries for the rest of the night.

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