Chapter X 🌼

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The blonde's thoughts are interrupted by a voice.

"Are you okay in there, Zenitsu?"

Zenitsu: Mitsuri?

Mitsuri: Sorry is that I saw you and I noticed you looked sick. Is everything alright?

Zenitsu: I...I'm fine! Wait! I'm coming out in a minute.

Mitsuri: I'm waiting here outside.

Zenitsu: Ok!

Zenitsu washes his hands and his mouth, also splashing some in his face to look more bright.

Zenitsu: Come on! You are fine! You are fine.

Mitsuri: Zenitsuuu?

Zenitsu: Yes, coming!

He opens the door and finds Mitsuri in front of him.

Mitsuri: You sure you are fine?

Zenitsu: Yeahhh! I'm fine, just not feeling at my best.

Mitsuri: Really? You want me to take you home?

Zenitsu: NONONO! I wouldn't like to waste your time.

Mitsuri: Honestly, I don't mind!

Zenitsu: Mitsuri, thank you really. But I'll walk myself home. I don't want to ruin the party for you, now enjoy yourself!

Mitsuri: If you say so..

Zenitsu smiles and leaves Muichiro's party.

Zenitsu: 'I need to rest for a while, maybe is the alcohol...'


Tanjiro and Nora are taking a rest from all the dancing.

Tanjiro: Sorry Nora. I'm going to bring some drinks, would you like to have some?

Nora: Of course Tanjiro!

She smiles softly.

After he brings both drinks, he mentions something.

Tanjiro: Oh! And how about we talk to my friends? You'll love them!

Nora: Ehhh- Sure!

Tanjiro takes her hand and goes towards his friends.

Tanjiro: Hi everyone!

Giyuu: Hello Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: This is Nora!

Nora waves shyly.

Everyone greets her.

Inosuke: Is this the bratty one?

Kaigaku: Yeah...

Kanao: Her name is Nora.

Inosuke: I hate her.

Genya: That's rude Inosuke!

Kaigaku: It's true though.

Shinobu grabs them by the shoulder.

Shinobu: Enough.

Inosuke: Fine, fine.

Rengoku: Pleasure Nora!

Nora: Same...

Tanjiro: So now, you've met everyone! Wait. Where is Zenitsu?

Kaigaku: I have the same question.

Sanemi: He isn't with the kids, is he?

Mitsuri: He went home.

Tanjiro: Why?

Mitsuri: He said he wasn't feeling well.

Tanjiro: Oh.

Mitsuri: Don't worry, he said to enjoy the party.

Meanwhile with Zenitsu...

The blonde was confused, very confused. He was screaming, a pillow covering all screams. He felt better, but it was like he wasn't in this world. Floating in the air? No. Something else.

Zenitsu: 'Don't worry! It's just your imagination. There's no way people can cough flowers! Right?'

Zenitsu looked up at the ceiling.

Zenitsu: Maybe I'm just tired...

He then went to sleep, I'm sure tomorrow will be different!


The party was over, everyone was tired after a great time. They all separated to go to their homes, saying their good nights. Finally, the Butterfly sisters and the other three (Tanjiro, Inosuke and Nezuko).

Shinobu: Finally home! Okay you all go to sleep it's late. I'll take the kids to sleep.

They all nod, almost falling asleep right there. Shinobu takes the girls to sleep then does the same after.

Tanjiro: Goodnight Nezuko!

Nezuko waves at them goodbye and goes to her room, closing the door behind her.

Aoi: Night everyone...

Kanao: Bye.

The group slowly separated and went to their rooms.

Tanjiro:See you tomorrow, Inosuke

Inosuke mumbled something and went to his room.

As he walked through the hallway, he peeked through Zenitsu's room, seeing him asleep hugging his pillow. The burgundy noticed the blonde was shivering, like he was feeling cold.

'Strange. It's almost spring...' he thought.

Silently, he went inside the room and covered Zenitsu with the blankets. After that, Tanjiro went to sleep.

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