Chapter II🌺

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Zenitsu walked slowly through the Butterfly Estate's garden, looking at the branches of the trees or at the sky. The sound around him makes him calm. Birds singing, the sound of flowers moving with the wind. He hums a melody for a while before a small sparrow comes flying towards him.

Zenitsu: There you are, Chuntaro! I've been searching for you.

The small sparrow lands on his head and rests for a while.

Zenitsu: You sure like my hair...don't you?

Chuntaro: CHUN CHU!

Zenitsu: I'll take that as a yes.




Tanjiro walked through the Estate's hallway and went inside a dark room. He closed the shoji carefully not to wake the sleeping demon. An embrace from behind surprised him. He turned around to see his sister hugging him.

Tanjiro: Nezuko, I didn't know you were awake. Did I wake you?!

Her sister shakes her head in disagreement.

Tanjiro: I see... you woke up by yourself.

Nezuko nodded her head while his brother hugged her back.

Tanjiro: I just wanted to know if you were okay. I'll let you sleep more, you still look tired.

She just nodded again a little sleepy and headed back to bed. His brother smiled at his sister and left the room.

Tanjiro: ' I feel like taking some fresh air.. I should train since I'm outside'

Tanjiro went to the garden with his katana. He saw Inosuke thumping his head to a poor tree and Kaigaku yelling at him. And Zenitsu sitting on a bench cleaning his sword and petting his pet. He smiled and walked towards them.

Tanjiro: Hello everyone!

Inosuke was to busy destroying the poor tree. But when he saw 'his minion', he went running towards him.


Tanjiro: I will train with you in a minute, Inosuke

Kaigaku: Thankfully you're here, I can't deal with this dumbass.

Inosuke: SHUT UP!

Kaigaku: YOU SHUT UP!

A stupid fight broke between these two and now you could only hear yelling. Well, a daily routine in the Butterfly Estate, I guess.

Shinobu: My~ My~ There they are at it again~

Kanao just looked at the group.

Shinobu: You should go over there, Kanao! You all get along well!

Kanao picked her coin, about to flip it. However, she thought about what Tanjiro told him. She placed it back in her pocket and nodded.

Kanao: I will. Just in a minute.

Her big sister just smiled softly.

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