~Chapter 3: A surprise~

Start from the beginning

Sebastian took the phone of Hikari, ruffling her hair before the girl could rush back to Ponyo.
"Claude? Yes. WHAT!?" Sebastian snapped," Can't you get out of it!?"
Hikari sat on the floor with a pout, holding the toy boat, Ponyo glanced at the demon girl anxiously.
"Fine! Just leave your brother, niece and guest up on the cliff! I give up!"
Sebastian slammed the phone down, marching to the kitchen and turning to oven off; before grabbing the draining cabbage and slamming it in the sink.
"Hikari, make sure to tell Zero we're eating out tonight," Sebastian stated, ripping off his apron and tossing it onto the floor.
Hikari stared at Sebastian with a fussy frown, glumly.
"I want to eat at home."
Sebastian stared at the girl unimpressed, rolling his eyes and storming to the fridge; grabbing a beer. The demon teared it open, groaning as it frothed out, everywhere.

"So Claude's not coming?" Zero hummed, leading Hikari to the gardens of the care centre

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"So Claude's not coming?" Zero hummed, leading Hikari to the gardens of the care centre.
"Yeah, working," Hikari nodded, staring at Ponyo in the bucket.
"You're attached to that goldfish," Zero sighed.
"It's not a goldfish, it's-"
"I know, I know, it's Ponyo. Just don't get into trouble whilst I'm working, alright?" Zero groaned, practically dragging Hikari.
"But I don't want to play with old people!" Hikari whined, throwing her entire body onto the grass in protest.
Zero glared at the girl unimpressed, putting his foot on her back making her squabble.
"Fine. Stay here then, no going down to the sea," Zero snapped, rushing over to the building.
Hikari watched him leave, turning to Ponyo with a grin; Ponyo stared at the girl obliviously.
"It's Kumiko's fault we're suspended, she was rude to you," Hikari folded her arms," I'll get you more water."

The girl stood up, rushing to the side of the centre, where a hose pipe sat. Hikari set the bucket on the paving, trying to pull the hose off the tap, groaning in failure. As she managed to pull it off, her body jolted forward, Ponyo's pail knocking over; the goldfish desperately swimming in the drain. Hikari quickly grabbed Ponyo, turning the tap on and putting the bucket under it; shoving Ponyo into the water.
"Ponyo?" Hikari frowned, desperately, pushing the bucket towards her.
Ponyo looked up, squirting a stream of water at Hikari's face, the girl gasped.
"You scared me. I'm sorry, that was my fault," Hikari snickered.
Ponyo squirted small, quick streams of water at the girl in protest.
"Why, how odd. That was Hikari's voice. But she's supposed to be in school. I must just be hearing things," Yoshie hummed from a wheelchair, Zero passing her a blanket.

Hikari stepped out from behind the bushes with Ponyo, frowning.
"Here I am, Yoshie!" Hikari stated, Zero smirked.
"Yeah, she got suspended from school. She's staying with us for the rest of today," The entity explained.
"Ah! I knew I heard her voice."
"Do I have a secret?" Hikari asked.
"Bingo!" Hikari beamed," Okay, what colour is my secret?"
As the girl said this, Ponyo stuck her head over the bucket, Zero laughed; turning to go help a coworker.
"Red!" Yoshie grinned, her friend beside her nodding enthusiastically.
"Good guess!" Hikari nodded, Ponyo swiftly ducking under," How did you know-?"
"Show us."
Hikari rushes over, holding up the bucket for both of them to see, the girl looking quite proud with herself.

"Oh, how pretty!" Yoshie cooed.
"Very cute," Her friend agreed.
"Her name is Ponyo," Hikari explained," She loves ham like me, and she can do magic. I cut my thumb but she fixed it."
"I wonder if she'd fix our legs?" Yoshie turned to her friend excitedly.
"Then we could run around just like you," Her friend explained to Hikari.
"Well... I'd have to ask Ponyo first, I think..." Hikari thought.
The noise of wheels grew louder, Toki joining the ladies, curious at the bucket.
"Can I have a look?" Toki asked, something about her voice always sounded miserable.
"Sure, Toki."
Hikari walked over to the lady, holding the bucket up for her to see. Toki peered in before letting out a squeal, setting her eyes on Ponyo.

"Heavens, it has a face!" Toki flapped, turning away.
Hikari stared at the old woman confused, Ponyo peered over the bucket.
"Quickly, throw it back in the sea!" Toki screeched, the other two old lady's looked quite taken aback by Toki yelling at a child," Otherwise they'll be a tsunami!"
"You're so superstitious, Toki..." Yoshie deadpanned.
"Fish like that bring bad luck!" Toki snapped," Everyone knows that!"
Ponyo grew irritated, sending a stream of water that hit Yoshie directly on her face; the old woman sobbed.
"Tsunami! It's here!" She screamed, flapping as though she was trying to swim.
Hikari stared at the woman horrified, turning to look at the others before looking at Ponyo. The girl slowly backed away, terrified of getting into more trouble; before sprinting down to the stairs to the sea. Zero peered around the bookshelf with a female worker, both rushing over to the woman.
"What's wrong, Toki?" Zero asked.
"Just look at my clothes!" Toki whined

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