Chapter 3 - The Fight Part 2

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A/n: I'm so sorry for the massive delay and now I'm going to dedicate my summer to this book maybe because I just reread this whole story and it's kinda cringe. Also the time when I didn't update this book was because school and other things that are very important to me.

~back to the story~

Then a Curse came at her without question or noise. It bites off part of Y/n's head. "Ugh! I didn't even attack you first! Why?!" Y/n said angrily about the cry. Nobara walked up and said "But you killed multiple people and destroyed buildings". "Of course because I literally need to eat the humans to live and plus some of those people called me ugly" Y/n said as a comeback. "Oh really? Is that the only reason? Why could you just find another alternative?"

"I can't do anything when I'm forced to kill. It's not my fault I became a demon." Y/n said on the verge of crying.

~100 years ago~

"Y/n! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! What did I to deserve this!? Bring my sister back now, damn it! If you don't, I'll kill every one of you! None of the gods are from my rage!" Gyutaro said with much rage. Then out of nowhere he got slashed.

"Is this the one causing you trouble?"

"Oh, yes. That's the one, all right. Thank goodness. You've done everyone a favor getting rid of that nuisance. He was nothing but a savage. All he did was cause trouble and severely injure the people he was collecting from. "

Gyutaro still alive heard everything and was more than tired of dealing with people like them.

"I suppose it's a shame that we lost Ume, But as soon as I find another cute girl, she's all yours. So, um, about the money you owe..."

"Yeah, yeah. After I finish him off."

The man gripped his katana about to slash Gyutaro again. But he quickly jumped up with his kama and pieced the woman in the forehead.

"Huh?" The man looked behind him

"Look at you. That's a fine kimono you're wearing, isn't it? You're clean, and you have such smooth skin as well. I bet someone like you lives pretty comfortably, with plenty of food and a nice clean bed. That kind of life is all you've ever known, isn't it, living in a house that shelters you from rain and wind. Good for you."

"Good for you!" Gyutaro said while laughing like crazy. The swordsman started running at him about to kill Gyutaro.

"But when you've got it as good as you do, you don't get to complain. Losing one of your eyes is nothing, compared to what we go through every day."

As the man was about to slash Gyutaro again, he was slashed in the middle of his head killing him.

"It's almost laughable, really." Gyutaro said as he landed on the ground.

~A few minutes later~

Gyutaro was carrying Y/n with him not knowing where they could go. "No one ever offered to help us. No surprises there. That was the story of our daily lives. No one batted an eye to our suffering, even at its worst."

As he said that he was so tired that he fell down on Y/n. "And then it would start to snow. Day in and day out, we were neglected and denied any bit of mercy from bystanders. What was that? So much for "fortune and misfortune are intertwined." Our lives were filled with tragedy, pain, and suffering."

"You two don't look too good. Aw, you poor things. You're so lucky someone as kind hearted as me stumbled upon you. I hate to say it, but that girl is nearly dead. How 'bout I give some blood? What do you think of that? That way, you can become demons, if he chooses you. Life is far too sacred to let it go to waste, and you should treasure it while you can." The beautiful man said.

He then reached out his hand towards both of you.

"Now, then, can you become worthy demons? Maybe you'll be a Twelve Kizuki like me and rise to the Upper Ranks. I wonder."

"To be honest, I don't regret becoming a demon."

~A few hour after~

"Y/n, I'm sorry but I just wanted to see you again." Gyutaro told Y/n

"Yeah, but now we have to kill and eat people to live, which is disgusting as heck." Y/n clearly mad about this matter.

"But again, all I wanted was to see my lovely sister again. Not burned or unsafe."

"Fine, but I'm kinda angry that you made this decision without me"

As Y/n gave in, her brother walked up to her and hugged her.


JJK x daki! readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt