chapter 27: keep it secret

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So babies here is chapter 27 💜. Hope you enjoy..


?? : WTF TAE... HOW CAN YOU HIDE SUCH A THING FROM ME..AND NOW WHAT CAN WE DO WITH THESE SH**? (Points to bogum playing with security guards )

Tae: I'm sorry.. (Puppy eyes )

Jungkook : ohh.. Godd what the fuvk i did (place his hands on his temple )

Tae: what..??

Jungkook : I told our hyungs to come here... ( drags his phone out of his pocket )

Jungkook:.. Hello... Hyung don't need to come here i will inform you later where can we meet.. Tell these to others... Especially sug... Ahem (cough ). Yoongi hyung.. ( looks at tae )

Tae: hubby.. What are we going to do with hyung.. Is he gone mental..

Jungkook: I think so.. But let's keep him here secretly don't tell these to your bestie he will be tensed.....

Tae: no i will not mother promise

Jungkook : mmmhh.. (In mind)soo. here i got your cub mr park... Let's play the game clean and safe ( smirk)

Night 9:30

At dinning table

Jungkook and bogum was sitting on the opposite seats while the maid was serving the dinner in the plates

Jungkook : taehyung come down have your dinner bubba

Bogum: taebaby.. Comeww doewn food your tummy bubba

Tae climbed down the chairs and seated in middle of those two suckwers

Jungkook was throwing draggers towards bogum and bogum was not less also launching fatboy 69 at the man sitting infront of him

Tae sighs and began to eat his food as his tummy was growling

Tae after eating he wiped his mouth and stand up from the seat harsly making a creak sound

Tae: heyy.. You guys stop these eye contact game and eat your food or just leave from the table.. Ajumma have to clean the table

Jungkook : no I'm not hungry..

Bogum : mee too

(Tummy growling sound from both the males make tae to burst out in laughter )

Tae: yes.. I got it.. ajjumma please take back the food

Maid : yes master ( not that master bit** 🌚)

Jungkook: ajumma you can go to your home I'll clean it(maid bows and leaves ( junkook turns around to the dinning table )

Jungkook: and you bubble gum.. Eat the... ( jungshook)

Bogum was eating the food messily by his too hands and his mouth forms a pot by filling veggies in it

Bogum was eating the food messily by his too hands and his mouth forms a pot by filling veggies in it

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