"Stay back." said the Lead thug.

"If you value your life I suggest you leave now." said the unknow man but the thugs didn't take his advice and tried to attack him only to met a bloody end with blood spattered on the walls of the alleyway  only leaving the  leader who was scared that he wet himself before the unknow man stood before him before and grabbed the man by the neck and opened his mouth.  I saw fangs sank into the guys flesh and  started to drink his blood and that's when I knew I was in the presence of a vampire.

The vampire dropped the dead body to the ground before he turned his attention to me and walked closer.

"Please Mr. Vampire don't hurt me." I said. I was scared and closed my eyes for the end but instead I felt something warm wrap around my body. I open my eyes to see the vampires cloak wrapped around me.

"It's gonna be okay your safe now." said the vampire with a smile.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Allister and I'm gonna take you back to my castle you be safe there."  said Allister picking me up bridal style and  jumped into the air leaving the alleyway and headed back to his castle where there was several maids waiting for us.

"Welcome home Master Allister how was your hunt?" asked one of the maids.

"It was good Blair."  replied Allister. The  maid that he called Blair looked at me.

"And who is this girl y lord?" asked Blair.

"Oh that's right I didn't get your name." said  Allister putting me on my feet.

"My name is Rayna." I replied.

"A nice name. This girl here is Blair she will show you to the bath and then to your room. Blair make sure you clean her up well and make sure you get her a hot meal to eat she been through a lot." said Allister.

"As you wish My lord." said Blair. I was shocked a  vampire being kind to me? At first I thought he was gonna kill me but I was wrong.

"This way please." said Blair I followed Blair to the baths. Since then that day I been in master Allister's service training me with weapons. I had gotten use to wielding a gunblade to many other things. I was happy to have a home and a master who was so kind to me.

 I was happy to have a home and a master who was so kind to me

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(a/n: That's Rayne back story now on to to main course)

Allister's Pov

It was a quarter of a way through the semester for we  had a semester test which wasn't all that bad thanks to my mentors drilling math problems into my skull when I was growing up but it was worth it. I was standing in front of a board with the other students that  showed the results where posted on when Tsukune walked up.

"Hey Allister." said Tsukune.

"Hey Tsukune what's up?" I asked.

"You know checking on how I did on the exam. Look like I got 128th."  replied Tsukune.

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