He leaned against a wall, sliding down it whilst putting his hands on his head.

"This is fine, we're just trapped in a school, for the entire night! This is great! We'll be fine! We're totally-"


He locked eyes with Kiran, the girl creating small, light explosions in her hands.

"Take a deep breath, and count to ten with me, okay?" She instructed.

"One, two, three,"

He's fine.... He's not in that place anymore....

"Four, five, six,"

He's at school! Yeah! The doors are just locked because of the after hours protocols! He's with Bakugo, and he's safe!

He let out a breath, saying "Thanks, Bakugo.... How'd you know what to do?"

Kiran hesitated, before saying "Well um.... My dad has nightmares sometimes. There'll be times where he's fine one day, and the next he's totally freaked out. Mom says that he always has this repeating one about a friend of his taking poorly worded advice of his.... So I became experienced in helping people with their issues."

A thought popped into her head, a smile making it's way onto her face.

"Raijin.... This is a school, right? So there must be a control room?"

Hayate began piecing it together, saying "So there must be a phone for emergencies!"


The two students began walking through the halls, Hayate twirling a pencil in his hand. The two only got halfway there, when they heard an eerie moan from down the hall.

"What was that?" Hayate questioned.

"Haha, yeah, hell no. I don't fuck with ghosts."

"Ghost? There's no such thing as ghost, don't be childish!" Hayate scolded.

A horrifying screech rang through the halls, Hayate suddenly getting the urge to to quickly get to the room that they're supposed to get to.

I mean, ghost aren't real.... Right?

"Here it is." Kiran said, the two entering the room.

A bunch of monitors and computers filled the room, Hayate going over to one of the computers. He began to type away, Kiran looking at the cameras.... Oh shit.

"So um.... Good news and bad news. Good news is, I got proof that there's actually a ghost.... Bad news-"

A terrifying scream knocked the door off of its hinges, Kiran immediately filling the room with her ash. That's when Hayate heard coughing.... Wait a damn minute-

"HEY! GHOST! STOP TORTURING US OR ELSE WE'LL BLOW YOU TO HELL!" Kiran yelled, mini explosions popping off her arms.


The coughing was followed by a sneeze, the 'ghost' letting out a sneeze at well. Kiran pulled away all of her ash, revealing a girl around their age, lavender color hair, pale blue eyes, and pale skin. She currently wore an oversized Mindjack hoodie, with a pair of black jeans, ripped at the knees. Her hair went down to her waist, and she had black fingerless gloves.

"What the hell?! You're not a ghost!" Kiran snapped.

"Yeah, and you guys aren't villains! Oh, I should introduce myself!"

She held out her hand, saying "Okami Shinso, nice to meet you!"

(Okami Shinso

Quirk: Banshee

She can let out horrifying screams, as well as move through walls and solid objects!)

"What are you doing here, isn't the building locked?"

"Oh, well.... I'm actually supposed to be here!" Okami explained.

The other two students gave a puzzled expression, before a white capture scarf wrapped around the two.

"Oh! Hi dad!" Okami waved, the two turning around.

Mindjack let out a tired sigh, seeing it was just Hayate and Kiran.

"Let me guess.... You two got locked in after hours?" Mindjack asks. "I keep telling Nezu that the students need at least a few more hours before they get locked into this creepy ass building!"

"Sorry, but what is going on?!" Hayate demanded.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah. The silent alarm for the school tripped, and since I was close by, I decided to swing on over. The girl over there is Okami, she's actually apart of your class."

"Then why haven't we seen Spooky Chick in class?" Kiran questioned.

"Oh, my dad and I both have terrible insomnia, so I usually get taught during the later hours! It also lets me act as a security guard for some of the more important floors, where information is stored."

"Why do I get the feeling that we're forgetting something?" Hayate said, thinking.

Explosions were heard in the distance, Mindjack opening the window. An explosion pushed Kiran into the hallway, Dynamite towering over her, a hand aimed at her face.


As the explosion lit up, Kiran thought 'I should've stayed home....'

Firecracker 2 (BNHA/MHA OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora