ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 9

Start from the beginning

As she and Miles looked around, she saw many other labels appearing over the heads of the spiders that were walking around them.

"So many" she muttered.

"This is the lobby" Gwen told the two Morales "Welcome to Spider Society"

They came out of the so called lobby to be greeted by the sight of several walking panels crossing over each other across the space before them, many other spider people climbing up and down across them to swinging on them.

"Gwendy how much have you told him?" Hobie asked the girl as Miles stepped back, admiring the society "Hmmm? You haven't told him anything?"

"Oh, you didn't tell him" Y/N said with a small gasp.

"What place in all of this?" Victoria surprised them as they had completely forgotten she was there at the moment.

"Aaargh!" they all turned around when Miles glitched painfully.

"Maybe enough" Jessica muttered "Here" she threw Miles some sort of bracelet "It's a day pass. On that note, why are you not glitching?" Jessica directed herself to Victoria for the first time since they had met the woman.

"My secret" Victoria took off her mask and placed her finger to her lips in a shushing motion.

She got several questioning looks but Jessica continued walking on, a group of spiders armed with large guns greeting the blonde girl with the spider group. They crossed an actual car with eyes that took a group to another part under the orders of Jessica. As they continued walking, Miles and Victoria found themselves face to face with an upside down horse snout.

 As they continued walking, Miles and Victoria found themselves face to face with an upside down horse snout

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"Hey. Names Web-Slinger" the cowboy spider on the horse presented himself.

"Why does your horse need a mask?" Victoria asked as the horse nudged her cheek and she stroked its nose.

"To conceal her face. Giddy up!"

Jessica led them all into a covered area where different rather aggressive individuals were being held inside some sort of cages made of force fields.

"Who are these people in these laser cages?" Miles asked them.

"They're anomalies. Folks who wound up in the wrong dimension" Jessica explained "We kick their butts, and send 'em home"

"We got a bunch of Doc Ocs" the hologram of a young woman that Jessica called Layla explained.

"Well that is interesting" Miles said.

"Some video game dudes..." she continued.

"I love video games!" Miles exclaimed happily.

"...another video game guy" they passed more of them "...a Prowler..."

Victoria poked one where a black man wearing dark purple clothes that seemed almost black was sitting in with a bored look on his look on his face. The man looked at her and Miles as they stared right at him with a bored glare.

"It's rude to stare" the caged man told the younger boy.

"Caught that one myself" Hobie told Miles.

"I slipped" the Prowler retorted.

"You? Okay I did all the work" Gwen said as they moved along.

"How... many mission have you two been together on?" Miles asked the two in front of him.

"Oh not many" Gwen said.

"Couple dozen" Hobie said at the same time, getting an annoyed look from Miles behind him.

Y/N and Hobie shared a pointed look and the man rolled his eyes, slinging his arms over the shorter girl's shoulders fondly. Victoria didn't miss the look both of those two spiders shared when they thought the other one wasn't looking.

"Sorry" Victoria heard Miles tell a literal hologram of another girl.

"Can we just keep moving?" Gwen said.

"Oooooh" Victoria whispered seeing the look Gwen threw the two teens that had introduced themselves to each other.

"What are you?" she asked the girl's hologram who did some sort of phasing over to the compute table to their right.

"I'm an avatar!" the girl explained "My body is back in my parent's dimension, chilling in my game chair, and eating Fritos"

An image of exactly that appeared before them for a few seconds before disappearing again. There was a whirring noise as the hologram pressed a few buttons and a large, spider-like machine crawled out of a hole in the ceiling.

"And what is that?" Miles asked them.

"The Go Home Machine. Awesome name" Hobie told them.

"It detects whatever dimension your DNA is from, and sends you there. Super humane and not creepy" the machine started to charge up and the rhino that had been placed underneath it disappeared.

Miles sweat dropped when he looked to his side and saw his aunt's shining eyes and smiling face when she saw the tech at work.

"We should go, we don't want to keep Miguel" Gwen told them.

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