ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 5

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She had to be much more careful since she couldn't really turn invisible like Miles. She followed both teens to the old supercollider lab where everything from the year and four months before had transpired.

Victoria saw some sort of holographic black woman talking to Gwen over her shoulder but kept her distance so not her nor Miles could see her. Another hologram of a woman was showing Gwen the graphics of something having been jumping around he city without any consistency.

Gwen opened a portal with the wrist watch she had, pulling off her mask and looking back, nearly making contact with Miles who was hanging upside down off the ceiling, still invisible. After a few minutes, Miles looked like he was debating wether or not to follow the girl, before than making said decision and running at the portal and through the it as it was closing, Victoria following close behind so she didn't leave him alone.

Victoria held her face forward as she experienced the familiar effects of dimensional travel, the graphics that formed her changing to different types of designs. Then, once they came out of the portal, she found herself free falling to the land below.

"Tía Vic!?" Miles hosted at her through the wind as the two of them fell side by side.

She tried her best to smile and wave at him despite her mask and the wind hitting her face violently. She saw Miles glitch luckily doing so closer to a road below him and she managed to web herself to the pillars holding the very same road, swinging besides her nephew more gracefully through the very crowded roads and watching him dodge people.

 She saw Miles glitch luckily doing so closer to a road below him and she managed to web herself to the pillars holding the very same road, swinging besides her nephew more gracefully through the very crowded roads and watching him dodge people

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Victoria looked down at the screen of her watch that read Earth-50101. The woman shook her head as she saw her nephew continue to stumble around, trying to avoid the people and harming any more buildings.

"You see that?" Miles asked her as he swing in a wide circle "I feel like a whole new person!"

"Excuse me...?" someone appeared at her side in mid air.

"AAAAAAHH!!" Victoria shouted in shock.

"AAAAAAHH!!" Spot shouted back, startled at her reaction towards him, and disappeared a second later.

"I'm here to help!" she heard Miles shout as he swung right into the way of Gwen who was trying to land a hit on the white figure filled with black holes.

She saw Gwen was now the one free falling but luckily Miles caught her just in time. As the two teens argued below her, she made her own appearance at their side, surprising Gwen.

"None of you are supposed to be here!" Gwen shouted.

Miles glitched, dropping Gwen from his arms. Victoria saw both of them fall and went after them, catching Miles just as another web caught Gwen. The person in another spider costume threw their bracelet-webs at the Spot, throwing the man off balance and dining up onto the spire athletically.

 The person in another spider costume threw their bracelet-webs at the Spot, throwing the man off balance and dining up onto the spire athletically

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"Hey, who are the new ones?" Victoria and Miles heard him ask Gwen as the three of them joined the new arrival on the building.

"These are Miles and he wasn't invited" the girl glared at the boy.

"And I'm Victoria. A pleasure I'm sure" the woman stuck her hand out to the young boy who bumped her hand with his fist making her smile at his goofiness.

"And she wasn't invited either" Gwen said.

"Ooooh, you weren't invited, and you came anyway?" the new Spider-Man asked them, twirling her bracelets "Hey new guy must be in love with you if he followed you all the way here"

"Hah" Victoria threw her head back with a laugh as the two other teens stuttered their disagreement to that statement.

"Who are you?" Miles asked the new spider.

"I'm glad you asked new guy" Pavitr said "My name is Pavitr Prabhakar. And for the past six months..."

"Six? He even has a watch?" Miles interrupted.

"Being Spider-Man is soooo easy" the spider continued "I wake up, skip the workout, because I'm naturally buff, and I don't want to get too big, you know?" Pavitr acknowledged the nod he got from Victoria "Do almost nothing with my amazing hair..."

"You don't use any product at all?" Miles interrupted again.

"Just coconut oil, prayers, some genetics..." the boy explained "Then I swing by school, don't really have to try but I do so anyway, fight a few bad guys, feed a few stray dogs, quick break for a cup of chai with my Maya auntie..."

"I love chai tea!" Miles exclaimed.

"What did you just say...chai tea? 'Chai' means tea bro!" Pavitr replied with an offended tone "Youre just saying 'tea' tea. Would I ask for 'coffee' coffee? Hmmm? Or 'cream' cream?"

 Would I ask for 'coffee' coffee? Hmmm? Or 'cream' cream?"

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"Then I hang out with my girlfriend, Gayantri. She's an extremely classy teenager" he continued with a dreamy expression as he thought of his girlfriend "I live in the best possible SpiderMan city, Mumbattan. Quick tour. This is where the traffic is" he pointed to one crowed part of the city "This is where the traffic is" he presented another part of the city "This is also where the traffic is, there's traffic here also" he continued "And this is where the British stole all our stuff" he presented a museum to them.

He dodged as a black hole nearly cut off his head and they all jumped out of the way.

"Hello Spider-Man" the Spot said out loud.

"Who me?" Victoria pointed to herself with one long claw.

"No not you" the Spot said while calling out for a hole on the palm of his hand.

"No he means me" Pavitr pointed to himself.

"I think he means me" Miles told the other three spiders.

"Yeah you" Spot said as he swung his hole to them.

"I got this guys" Miles flew straight forward to kick the Spot only to get his foot stuck in the Spot's abdomen and Theon back against a wall, cracking it from the force of the hit.

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