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"I can't believe Bastian got a girl before any of yall" She exclaimed as they stared at Bastian approaching a girl as she waited for him.
"Yea, yo I honestly thought Mateo would be the first" One of Shuji's friend spoke
"Yo! Yo! Yo! Yoo! Hol on' what about me? Im handsome" David playfully elbowed him.

Kim rolled her eyes and sat down on the bench table leaning backwards on her palms "Keep dreaming"
"Yo kim, do you remember when you-" Evan spoke but was cut off by Shuji covering his mouth.
She glanced at them then making eye contact with Ethan having the 'wtf?' expression in her eyes making Ethan let out a small laugh.

After a while she stayed quiet observing and listening to the conversation the group was having, but someone caught her attention.
He was tall with brown luscious hair, eyes like the deep blue sea, he was like the type of popular guys you see at movies.

"Who's that?" She asked making the group stop their conversation turning their heads to the direction she was facing.
"Oh that's Eric Mason, one of the richest at school. He coo iguess" Answered Evan "Why?"

She snaps out of her thoughts and sat up properly "Nothing" she smiled innocently
They continued on while she sat there still gazing on the guy she had just been staring at.
"Hey guys ill be right back" She got up and walked to the group across from where they were at.

Their eyes followed the girl making them shot eyes at eachother as she talked to the tall brown hair.
While everyone just soon brushed it off Shuji kept his eyes on her.
he was kind of upset at the fact she was more eager to talk to Eric then she was to him.

He shook it off and went back to talking with the group. Lunch was about to end and Kim was still with the Eric. They were laughing and giggling from what Shuji observed.


Lunch has ended and the halls were again filled with students trying to get to their class. She walked to history class and noticed the same two girls from 2 days.
An arm waved for her from the corner of her eye "Kim here!" Miranda sort of yelled.

Kim made her way to the empty sit beside the browned hair girl.
"heyy" kim greets placing her bag beside her chair taking a sit.
"love your fit today," Miranda compliments "wanna come shop with me later? I could use a new friend" she smiled.

"I could use some girl time" Kim adjusted as the teacher walked in greeting the class.
"Cool" Miranda nods.

As class began she felt eyes seeping through her, she tried to ignore but could no more.
She waited as the teacher turned to face the board before facing Miranda glancing at the back of the room trying seamlessly as possible.

The two seventh graders pretends to looks away as they were caught looking at her.
She huffed and place her attention back to her teacher.
"ignore them, they're a bunch of clowns" Miranda spoke as she wrote her notes.

"Aren't most boys are" she turned to her who nodded in agreement.
"Eyes on the board girls"


Kim felt satisfied for her 3rd day in this school. Usually it took time for her to adjust to new things but with her friends, they made it way easier for her.

She smiled at the thought of her life here right now in franklin county, it had way a better start than the last 2 time they've moved. 
She prayed they would never have to move again, and that she never has to start over again.
A new start is always something people wish for but for her, it was tiring.

They've moved five time her whole life, this being 5th. And everytime she made friends she would have to leave and start over, then leave and start over.
It was a cycle she just wanted to stop, so she wouldn't have to start all over again and again and again.

She sighed and continued on making her way to her locker.
As she placed her books back she felt presence from her back.
She turned revealing Eric with a soft smile but suddenly turned to a worried face.

"Oh im sorry, did I scare you?" He asked worryingly.
"Haha no, well a bit yes," she moved the hair from her shoulder "uh, can I help you?" She asked.

"Oh yea! Sorry, I heard that you're smart, can you tutor me tonight? For the math quiz tomorrow?" he smiled softly

"oh... I cant tonight, Im sorry" she frowned slightly, she felt bad fr turning him down. It's something she can't deal with doing to anyone.

"oh it's alright, maybe anotha time?" he rubbed the back of his neck hoping not to get turned down once again.
"Ofcourse!" She smiled "here.." she began as she wrote down something on a piece of paper.

"Here's my telephone number and AOL user" she reached out her arm with the piece of paper on her hand.
He gladly took it placing it on his pocket.

"Don't lose it" said Kim as she locked her locker.
She pats his chest walking off to where Miranda had stood for the past 6 minutes.

"Whos heeee," Miranda teased with a cheeky smile of her face.


"Okay fill me in some tea, old or new I literally don't care" Kim and Mirand walked beside eachother trying to find stores that caughts interest.

"okayyy, I didn't know you're a gossip girl" she began "Okay so, Maya and Anna. Two seventh graders that are just Try hards. I heard she probably kisses a picture of Brandt before she sleeps" she giggled "nooo, are you for real?" Kim asked with a shock expression on her face.

She nodded smiling "I've heard recently is that Heather gave Brandt and Dustin a handjob this summer"

"Okay tha.. that is just weird. Seventh graders?! Holy shit" she pushed Miranda slightly "Hey that's just what I heard" She shrugged.

A few gossiping here and there but suddenly Miranda stopped like she was hesitating to say something.
"What?" asked Kim "Someone recently have said that... you fucked every single one of your friends.. " Miranda looked at her as Kim stopped in her tracks.

"Who's spreading that, I literally don't understand.." Kim spoke with a disappointed look on her face.
"Im guessing Ethan's ex" Miranda shrugged

"Im guessing Ethan's ex" Miranda shrugged

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