49 ✗ epilogue pt. 1 (sabrina & luca)

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After we graduated college, Luca and I decided to just travel.

We'd already been in school for so many years, we figured we'd just take some time for ourselves.

We've had the chance to travel to so many beautiful countries all around the world.

We're seriously so lucky.

We also decided we didn't want to have kids.

It's not that we don't like kids, it's just- I've never pictured myself as a mom and Luca feels the same about being a dad.

But you never know, things may change in the future.

Our Uber finally stops in front of a large theater-looking building and I gasp when I read the name of the show we're watching.

"We're going to a fucking Magic Mike show?" I ask just to confirm.

"Yes! Aren't you excited?" Zada asks.

"I mean I guess...I don't know!"

"Come on! You'll love it!" Sahar says as she and Rosie take my hand and drag me inside.

I've never gone to a show like this.

I don't even think I've ever gone to a strip club.

The closest I've gotten to a strip club was a Moulin rouge show Luca and I went to when we were in France.

We hand in our tickets and make our way inside.

I'm immediately surrounded by young and middle-aged women.

Literally no men.

I mean no shit, why would any straight man want to come to this show?

Zada walks ahead of us all and I internally groan when I realize our seats are right in front of the stage.

We all take a seat and a waiter comes around asking what we'd like to drink.

"Give me the strongest thing you can make," I mumble.

He laughs but when he realizes I'm not kidding, he quickly walks off.

"Calm down Sab! You're gonna love it!" Rosie says.

The waiter quickly returns with our drinks and as soon as I take a sip, I'm hit with pure vodka.

Jesus Christ!

At least it's good to know they can make strong drinks.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I immediately pull it out.

My smile widens when I realize it's Luca.

Luca<3: How's it going?

Sab: We're at a Magic Mike show...save me!

Luca<3: We're at a strip club, I'm pretty sure yours is A LOT better.

Sab: Did you see any of their tits yet?

Luca<3: So far, the closest thing I've seen to a pair of tits are Easton's pecks.

I couldn't help but laugh at the text.

Everyone stares at me and I immediately swear my throat.

"Sab! Get off your phone, the show is about to start!" Zada says.


Sab: I have to go now, I'll see you later.

Luca<3: Have fun!

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