You sing while I dance

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Before going into the story sorry for the long break. I'm a student and I had got my exams. I couldn't find time for writing. I was a bit confused on how to take the story forward also. Now that I have got a vague idea I'll try to update. My updates might not be much frequent... Pls forgive me for it.

Into the story.....

Renjini's pov
Hrithik told me to use his slot for my performance. How sweet of him to do so. Even though he is my senior he never showed that. He considered me his equal. But I don't want to use his slot and not allow him to sing. I should think about something. Even after him offering it so sweetly if I completely refuse it, it won't look good.....
While I was sitting confused like this my roommate came back. She asked me about my confused state and I told her the happenings. She told me he is a versatile singer who is more into melodious songs and also an amazing singer. She showed me one of his performances and it was just amazing. I understood that he is quite good with melodies and I got an idea..... Why don't I let him sing and I dance to his tunes.... Through this both our wishes will come true....
What if he is committed and his better half don't allow it😶😶
I'll make a decision after asking him.

I called Hrithik. I was a bit hesitant to talk maybe coz I had this crush on him.... He took my call in 2 rings.

Hrithik: hello, Renjini?

Renjini: hi, Hrithik

Hrithik: what decision have you made? Shall I add your name to the list?

Renjini: I want to dance but then not at the cost of you not singing. So.... I've thought of something...

Hrithik: it's actually fine. I've sang numerous times here and it's okay....

Renjini: let me complete.... If you are okay with it can you sing and I'll dance to your singing. In perfectly fine with it and you can choose the song also. I've not strated practising so it's okay for me. And I'm comfortable with any melodies.

Hrithik: the idea is good and I don't have any problem with it. But I'll let you choose the songs.
Afterall you r the person who is supposed to dance and that's garder than singing. So it's fine with it.

Renjini: it's fine with me as long as its melodies. I'm not comfortable with fast beats and I love ARR songs. And I do dance for movie songs.

Hrithik: I'm also a die hard ARR fan and I love his melodies. let me think about it. But in the meantime if you get any ideas let me know. Otherwise just give 1 day. 

Renjini: ok then Hrithik. I'll meet you soon.... Bye.

Hrithik: bye.....

Hrithik's pov
I really wanted Renjini to dance. Don't know why but that unknown feel with her made me to compel her to use my slot for her performance which was quite unusual of me. Still I chose to do so. She asked me for sometime to think and I gave her time. After some time I got a call from her. On taking the phone I felt she was a bit hesitant to speak to me. So I initiated the convo.
And she came up with an idea for both of us. She asked me to sing while she'll dance for the same song. I was quite doubtful about it as I don't know if she'll be comfortable with film songs. But as though reading my mind she told she is okay with film songs and prefer melody songs... Which even I does.... I too prefer to sing Melodies... She told that ARR is her fav... Next surprise... My fav is also sir.... I told her to choose the songs since she is the person who's gonna dance and she should be comfortable with it. But she told me to choose and after so much of compelling I agreed to choose the song and asked for a day's time.
This time I wanted to choose a bit challenging songs and now I need to choose songs which are fit for a soft dance as well. Let me think of it. I hope I get some good songs....

To be continued...

I know I'm stopping abruptly.. but I need some time to think of the songs 😉. I hope you'll like the updates... Let me know your suggestions through the comments.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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