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It was the next day and you were still in shock. You Matt and Nick were in the kitchen eating breakfast.
Chris walks in the kitchen with a smile on his face. Looking happier than usual.

Chris: Hey guys! Goodmorning

Nick: Hey

Matt: Sup

Y/N: ....
*You Matt and Nick look at eachother with awkwardness*

Chris: Uhh you guys ok?

Matt: Uh Chris.. buddy.. you got anything on your mind you wanna tell us?

Nick: Yeah like something new going on with you or anything really!

Chris: Uh no. Nothing.. why?

Matt: Oh nothing..

Nick: Yeah just wondering

Y/N: Yeah we are just worried about you and we wanna know if you have something to tell us or anything.

Chris: You are worried?

Y/N: Well i mean.. yeah

Chris: HAH why?

Y/N: I dont know you are acting weird

Chris: Y/N im fine really. Please.
*Matt looks at you worried for you.*

Nick: Okay! Anywayys. Today is a special day! We have that Tiktok event to go to tonight.

Chris: Oh yeah so exited for that!

Y/N: Are you going with someone??

Chris: Umm no.

Y/N: Oh ok

Chris: And you?

Matt: Well shes going with me.

Chris: Oh yeah right! HAHA
*You look at Chris weirded out*

Chris: Well im gonna go take a walk at the park ill see you guys later!
*Chris walks out*

Y/N: I bet hes out on a walk with Madi

Matt: Y/N why do you care so much????

Y/N: I dont

Matt: Does seem like it. So what? Chris is with Madi. They look good together. Whats the big deal??!!

Y/N: Matt nothing calm down

Matt: You just seem so invested in something that isint your business.

Y/N: It is

Matt: How the fuck exactly-

Nick: GUYS! Please. Stop this is silly.

Matt: Yeah i agree

Y/N: Sorry..

Matt: Going to my room.

It was later and you guys were getting ready for the event. You guys hopped on the mini van and drove there. You guys walk in and everybody starts saying hi to you guys.

Vinne: Hey guys!!!

Charli: Hi!!

Avani: Sup!


Dixie: HEYYY

Josh: Whats upo

Bryce: YOOOO

Addison: HEY GUYS!!

You all went to say hi to different people at the event. All familiar faces. Madi comes up to you guys.

Madi: Hey guys. Finally yall came!

Is Y/N a Matt girl or a Chris girl? Where stories live. Discover now