The Question

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Its the next day and Nessa invited the triplets and you to ger birthday party. You are all getting ready to go out.

*Y/N walks down the hall into the kitchen and sees Matt*

Matt: Oh um hey

Y/N: Hey..

Matt: Uhm.. do you um like my costume?

Y/N: Oh um yeah i guess.

Matt: Ok um im going into Nicks room so yeah

*Matt stumbles into Nicks door*
*Chris comes into the kitchen*
*Matt is hearing from the other side of the door*

Chris: How do i look?

Y/N: You look great!

Chris: Thank you so do you. We are gonna have so much fun.

Y/N: Yes i cant wait to see Nessa and so many more people!


Matt: Ugh they act like a married couple it's disgusting.

Nick: No its not they are together you have to face it.

Matt: Its hard Nick. I liker her, she likes Chris.. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??

Nick: Shut your fucking mouth they will hear you

Matt: Ugh i dont care.

Nick: Well you are gonna have to because if you say something to Chris, you guys will be mad at eachother and im not gonna be there to break up the pieces. This is between you and him and Y/N.


Nick: SHHH

They all go down to the van to meet up Nessa at her party. Everyone is at the party including Vinnie, Sab, Charli, Avani, Madi and many more. You guys walk in all together.


Nessa: Omg you guys made it!!!

*Nessa gives a hug to Chris Matt and Nick*

Nessa: Y/N you look gorgeous im so glad you came! How was LA?

Y/N: LA was awesome! Cant wait to come back with you guys though.

Nessa: We definitely should! Well you guys make yourself comfortable. Theres a food table over there and the music is there and the photo booth is there! Have fun!

Y/N and the triplets: Thank youuuu

Chris: So um are we gonna split or stay together?

Nick: Whatever you want Chrissy.

Matt: I say we just go say hi to people.

Y/N: Yeah um ill go with Nick.

Chris: Okay ill go with Matt.

Y/N and Nick go around saying hello to people and Chris and Matt go around too. You and Nick decided to get something from the food table.

Y/N: Um Nick i have to talk to you about something im so lost i dont know what to do i just-

Nick: Wait... no no no... im sorry i cant with this NOW.

Y/N: Wait what? You know????

Nick: Um.. i know what?

Y/N: You know what im talking about?

Nick: I may know...

Y/N: What do you know???

Nick: No nothing..

Y/N: Nick?

Nick: Alright ill tell you what i know if you tell me what i think youre gonna tell me.

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