Chapter 24

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Reece had yet another sleepless night, his mind was too busy throwing dream after dream at him. If he wasn't dreaming about the blue eyed werewolf, he was dreaming of Tracey. And instead of them being nice bittersweet dreams, they were nightmares. So instead of staying in bed in one of the dorms, Reece had returned to sitting outside on the bar stool watching the wolf. But with his exhaustion he was falling in and out of sleep right there outside. He would drift off and then wake himself up and it was reoccurring until Reece fell into a rather deep sleep with his back resting against the clubhouse wall. Rather than having another dream, all Reece saw at first was black. It was as if he was sitting in a dark movie theatre staring at the screen waiting for something to happen. It sure made him restless and confused, until it all changed.

Instead of staring at a black screen, Reece had a glimmer of a light appear and before he knew it he was looking at Tracey's necklace that seemed to be dangling from nowhere. Rather than it looking normal, it was glowing blue, just like the wolf's eyes did. Before anything else could happen, Reece woke up to himself hitting the hard concrete. Letting out a groan, Reece picked himself up and rested his back against the cool wall. Using one hand to rub his dry stinging eyes, Reece looked ahead to see that the wolf was staring at him as she rested her muzzle against her large paws. The wolf looked just as tired as Reece felt.

Reece looked away from the wolf and down to the ground to see the necklace he had been dreaming about. Instead of it being broken, like the chain had been, it was completely in one piece and the pendent was glowing just as brightly as it did in his dream. Reece was astounded, seeing that it was no longer broken and actually glowing. It made no sense.

"What the," Reece murmured to himself. Slowly bringing his hand over to the necklace, Reece picked up the chain and watched as the pendent continued to glow. Using his free hand, Reece touched the pendent with his pointer finger and thumb and instead of holding it, he ripped his hand away and hissed at the pain. The pendent was scolding hot and had burnt his finger and thumb. "Son of a bitch." Reece groaned, looking at how bad his burn appeared to be. It was pretty bad, considering it was already blowing up into a nasty blister. "Just can't catch a break. And you," Reece glared at the pendent. "What the fuck is going on?"

As if on instinct, Reece turned his head to look at the wolf in the trailer. It was just watching everything he did and listening to all the things Reece was saying. Then there was the necklace dangling from his fingers, glowing as vibrantly as a full moon did in the night sky. Reece had a thought run through his head, as if the idea had come from someone else. He had considered taking the necklace over to the wolf, to see what would happen. But to him, that idea seemed pointless. Reece knew the necklace had magic within it, but even that seemed too far fetched. The main thought was, maybe the wolf would transform back into a human if the necklace was close or practically on the wolf... like an anchor. "Now I gotta be fucking delirious." Huffed Reece, dropping the necklace down onto the ground and burying his head in his hands.

The longer he sat there for with the reflection of the glowing pendent shining through the gaps in his fingers, Reece eventually gave in to that feeling he had and the idea. He thought it was the stupidest thing he had ever come up with, but still he grabbed the necklace by the chain and slowly got to his feet. Walking over to the wolf, he held the necklace in front of the wolf's face outside of the cage and waited for something to happen. When nothing did happen, Reece thought he would go the extra mile by squeezing his hand in through the gap and allowing the pendent of the necklace to drop down onto the wolf's paw. Letting go of the necklace, Reece pulled his hand back out and watched for a few short seconds to see that nothing had happened. Reece let out a grunt as his frustration took over him and so he snatched the glowing necklace back and around he turned, heading back towards the entrance to the clubhouse. Picking up the stool and empty stubby, he carried both into the clubhouse, put the stool back by the bar and threw the stubby into the bin before making his way back to his dorm room for the night. With the necklace hung on the frame of the bed, Reece got himself comfortable and tried to fall asleep. It took some time but when he did, he was back into that same deep sleep, with no dreams this time.

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