Jasmine smiled softly

"Come on my little angel, we're going to surprise our children and then we'll go to our room, I want you in my arms" Whispered Dally tenderly and lovingly against his Jasmine's lips again, still tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair and always devouring her tenderly and lovingly with his gaze

Blushing a little, smiling tenderly and looking at her Dally with so much love and tenderness, Jasmine nodded tenderly

Smiling tenderly, Dally tenderly and lovingly kissed then his wife before tenderly and lovingly taking her by the hands and leading her tenderly and lovingly with him in the garden

Jasmine smiled tenderly, happy

Finally the day to go to the funfair came

Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana were just so happy and, installed in the car with their parents, their little sister, Lady and the puppies, they were just so impatient and had a lot of trouble staying in place

"I so can't wait for us to be at the funfair and to do the carousel !" Said Leïla happily

"Me too !" Exclaimed happily and at the same time Sherine and Lïana

"And ride a ghost train !" Cried Naël happily

"Yes !" Cried the girls happily

"You'll see, Tahina, the funfair is just so good ! I'm sure you'll love it !" Said Aaliyah happily, tenderly and happily kissing her little sister on the cheek

Settled in her baby seat and sucking on her pacifier, Tahina chirped happily

Smiling tenderly, tenderly and lovingly holding her Dally's hand in hers and tenderly and lovingly stroking it with her thumb, Jasmine watched her children, Lady and the puppies with so much love and tenderness

Tenderly and lovingly, Dally kissed his Jasmine's hands

Smiling fondly, Jamine tenderly turned her head towards her Dally, looking at him with so much love and tenderness

"I love you my little angel

- I love you too my love, with all my heart, I love you"

Smiling tenderly and lovingly, Dally kissed his Jasmine tenderly and lovingly, burying his tongue tenderly and lovingly in her mouth

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

All the way to the funfair, Jasmine tenderly and lovingly held her Dally's hand in hers and Dally smiled and looked tenderly and lovingly at his Jasmine

He was just so crazy about her and found her just so beautiful

Finally after a few minutes of driving, the family had finally arrived at the cfunfair to the delight of Jasmine, Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana

"Which ride do you want to do first my loves ?" Asked Jasmine tenderly

"The Carousel !!!" Cried Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana happily, happily and tenderly pushing Tahina's stroller

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now