Your majesty

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Royalty AU because why not!!
King Jack!!


Seated at a magnificent table adorned with golden filigree, Jack held a crystal wine glass in his hand, leisurely observing the graceful movements of his subjects as they twirled and spun in the opulent ballroom he had meticulously organized. Among the sea of dancers, one figure captivated his attention. This young man possessed an exquisite mane of rich, golden-blond hair, meticulously combed, complemented by warm brown eyes and a winsome smile. Jack's curiosity was piqued, and he inclined his head, drawn to the boy who exuded an air of affluence, appearing perhaps a year or two his junior.

The dance concluded abruptly but with flair, eliciting a smile and applause from Jack, who would have been disingenuous to deny the entertainment it provided. As the dancers executed their bows and dispersed into the crowd, Jack caught sight of the blond performer and abruptly rose from his seat, determined to approach him. However, his progress was halted by the presence of Roger, his jester, who interposed himself in the path of the king.

"thy majesty," Roger greeted with a respectful bow.

"Roger," Jack acknowledged with a nod. "Where is our young man headed with such haste?" Roger inquired, standing upright.

"I have pressing matters to attend to, so I implore you to excuse me, for I am occupied," Jack replied sternly, brushing past Roger and continuing toward his destination.

With purposeful strides, Jack made his way onto the balcony, where the blond dancer stood, gazing pensively at the nocturnal expanse above. The king cleared his throat, signaling his presence, prompting the blond to sharply turn his head, his eyes softening at the sight of Jack.

"thy majesty," the blond greeted, bowing respectfully. Jack returned the bow with a smile. The blond straightened himself and fixed his gaze upon the king, awaiting his words.

"thy name?" Jack inquired, raising an eyebrow curiously. The blond appeared momentarily taken aback but complied nonetheless.

"Ralph, pleasure," Ralph replied, extending his hand towards the king with a warm smile. Jack's gaze shifted from Ralph's eyes to his outstretched hand and back again. Succumbing to an unspoken connection, he clasped Ralph's hand in his own, a fond smile gracing his lips.

"thy dance was truly impressive," Jack praised, his gaze locking with Ralph's innocent brown eyes.

"I am grateful for thy kind words, thy majesty," Ralph responded, returning the king's smile with a lopsided grin. Jack extended his right hand invitingly.

"Shall we?" he proposed, offering Ralph the chance to share another dance. However, Ralph shook his head politely.

"I really ought to be on my way," Ralph declined, gratitude evident in his voice. "Thank thee for the offer, thy majesty."

Jack raised an eyebrow at Ralph's response but nodded in acceptance. As Ralph turned on his heel to depart, Jack could not suppress a sudden impulse.

"Halt," he commanded, his voice sharp, causing Ralph to freeze in his tracks. "When shall I see thee again?" Jack queried, closing the distance between them with measured steps. Taking hold of Ralph's hand, he pressed a gentle kiss to it, his actions filled with both tenderness and longing.

"I am truly flattered," Ralph smiled, his voice laced with sincerity. "I shall write to thee every-day," Jack proclaimed, emphasizing his intentions.

"And I shall faithfully reply to each of thy letters," Ralph pledged with a radiant smile.

With that, Ralph took one final glance at the king before walking away, leaving Jack yearning for their inevitable correspondence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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