
"I didn't think you were so touchy." commented Sirius, amused.

"Well, there is to add that my main purpose with Evans was to blow it with that creep Snivellus. I understand they haven't spoken in months. So, by now I don't feel, as it were, the thrill of competition, of challenge. There's no taste anymore, if you know what I mean." explained James, with a slightly contemptuous expression painted on his face.

"In my opinion, yours is just an excuse. You've never forgiven her for comparing you to Snivellus, calling you equal to him." observed Sirius, caustically.

"I am nothing like Snivellus!" hissed James through clenched teeth.

An enigmatic grin suddenly appeared on Sirius' face; his gray eyes glittered in the light of the flames. In the meantime, the fourth-year girls had abandoned - reluctantly - their strategic location and fled to their rooms.Making sure no one was around to hear them, Sirius leaned toward James:

"This will cheer you up, Prongs," exclaimed the young Black, looking smug. "I've concocted a nice little joke for Snivellus. One that will make him lose the urge to put that big, greasy proboscis of his in the middle of our business!"

"What is it about?" asked James, whose attention was completely captured by the subject.

"Well you know he's been harboring suspicions about the nature of Moony and what we do during the nights of the full moon for months now. Well, I got really tired of his constant innuendoes and threats about how he wants to get us expelled, so today I sort of suggested a way for him to find the evidence he needs to affirm his assumptions."

James widened his eyes from behind his glasses, looking questioningly and a little worried.

"I told him how to block the branches of the Whomping Willow and how to reach the Shrieking -" tried to explain Sirius, but James did not let him finish.

"Have you lost your mind, Padfoot?!" he thundered, angrily. Sirius stared at him perplexed for a moment, not understanding why his friend did not share his enthusiasm for what he thought had been a nice ploy to make the hated Slytherin schoolmate pay.

"I did it to scare him a bit. So maybe he'll stop getting in our way and sticking his long nose in what doesn't concern him!" justified Sirius, lightly.

"Haven't you thought about Moony?" scolded James, fuming. "If Snivellus entered the Shrieking Shack, Remus would bite him instantly!"

"You'll see that wimp of a Snivellus will scamper off as soon as he hears a distant howl. And, by the way, he could use a good bite! Now that he's taken to being a Death Eater for school!"

"You can't be serious!" James stared at Sirius dumbfounded and angry. "Do you realize what he's risking?"

"Since when have you been so concerned about Snivellus, Prongs?" retorted Sirius, frowning.

"It's not Snivellus I'm worried about, it's Remus! Do you have any idea of the danger you put him in? If Snape is attacked by him turned into a werewolf, do you think he will keep quiet and quiet? Of course not, he would report the incident to the four winds! Remus would be expelled immediately -- all of us would be expelled! That's always been Snape's purpose, you know that too. He will certainly not miss the chance to grab the evidence he needs to prove his suspicions about us. He would jeopardize his own insulting life to throw us out of Hogwarts, or even Azkaban, I bet!" James spoke excitedly, his fists clenched and his cheeks burning with rage.

Sirius watched his feet doggedly, well determined not to meet his friend's accusing eyes. In fact, Sirius had to admit, he had not thought at all about the risks and possible consequences of the prank he had imagined. He just wanted to make Snape pay for all the trouble he was causing them in the last period with his constant hints about Remus Lupin's wolfish nature.

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