"why can't you just get an abortion?". maggie pleaded, halle laughed loudly sliding out the bed. "please get out". she softly asked pointing towards the door.

"no! your ruining my son life by having this mix mutt child". maggie angrily screamed. "you've turned my own son against me! i hate you and i'll never accept your child as my grandkid".

"i haven't turned him against you, that was all your doing! and i knew it was all an act you'll never ever fully like me".

maggie nodded in agreement, "at least we both can agree on something now how much money can i give you to get rid of the abomination!?".

halle sighed staring at maggie in disbelief, "mrs harlow what part of i want my baby don't you understand?! i have my own money you can't make me get rid of my baby".

"you either get rid of this thing or something bad will happen to you and that baby".

halle walked over towards mrs harlow "is that a threat?". she asked glaring at the older woman, "it's a promise".

before maggie could blink halle wrapped her hands tightly around the older woman's neck choking her, jackman happened to be walking towards their bedroom when he heard the commotion.

"what the hell is going on in here!?". jack yelled accidentally dropping bag of food halle asked for him to buy her, thankfully nothing spilled as he ran over gently wrapped his arm around her midsection yanking her towards him.

halle fumed in anger as she glared at mrs harlow who was dramatically coughing, "i-i told you jackman! she's disrespectful and crazy". maggie cried forcing more fake tears out her eyes.

halle rolled her eyes snatching away from her husband who stared at her in confusion "what happened?". he asked before the two began talking over each other.

"hey hey! one at a time baby what happened". jack shouted nodding at halle who took a deep breath.

"she demanded i get an abortion and when i refused she promised something bad would happen to our baby jackman".

maggie stood quietly by the door looking at halle with hateful eyes, "i did not jackman she's a hormonal liar".

jack continued to stare at halle who was fuming, cupping her face he forced her to gaze into his eyes "baby calm down please before you make yourself sick". he pleaded to his wife who gently moved his hand away from her face.

"i'm sick of allowing her to run all over me, i've tried so hard to make you like me but i can't so i'm done trying". halle softly said staring at maggie who glared at her.

"i need some air and curly don't you dare follow me". halle said walking over towards the dresser to grab her car keys.

jack who was more quicker grabbed the keys holding them behind his back, "jackman please stop, i-i need to get some air". halle pleaded as tears welled in her eyes.

"you want some air? that's fine i need some too so let's go". he stubbornly said glancing down at her.

"fuck it i'll call my driver". she mumbled turning making her way out the bedroom closing the door behind her.

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