𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔...

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Its monday.

My parents are back and they are worse than they were before. My abuela died and all the family is shathered.

I rang Ben:
"hey Im not feeling good I cang go out Im really not okay, so sorry cya tommorow?"

Great now hes mad too about something. Oh idkkk... lifes tough but I was always the happy person the one that brought smile back to peoples faces. Maybe I changed maybe...
*window opens*
"Shush ur parents are gonna hear you!"

He closes the window and sat on my bed.

I stared into his deep blue eyes and jumped to his arms. Oh i wish i could stay in the moment for the rest of my life.

"Now tell me whats going on K?"
*"K" is a nickname he gave me when we were yunger*
I talked and I talked and for some reason he listened. He listened to every word and every letter I said.

"why?"~ I said
"why what?"~ he answered
"why do you love me?"~ I said hoping he didnt hear me
*he didnt say anything*

"u wanna know why? U wanna know why i love you when I dont even deserve you you were do happy before I came into ur life. Ur the most beautiful person, in n out, that I know. And i wouldnt change a thing about you so either you accept that or im gonna get really mad and start tickling you :)"

*he always makes me so happy*

As crindge as it might sound it didnt matter as long as we were happy

"so dont worry about ur parents they are not perfect for eachother but at least we are"

hey guys im back hope u enjoyed this bc i will be back on the writing as soon as i can.♡︎

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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