The news

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It was a normal Sunday for the girls, when suddenly Anne got a phone call from Terri. “ Good news Anne! We have found a way back to Amphibia with a safe portal.’’ Terri told Anne over the phone. ‘’No way Terri! How did u manage to pull that off?’’ Anne asked Terri in full excitement. ‘’Well Anne glad you asked. We found out that you three still have some power remnants of the stones. By using those remnants we can power a portal back to Amphibia.’’ Anne squealed in joy when hearing the news. ‘’Well Anne you better tell the others and you guys can go back for a visit, I mean it’s summer vacation after all.’’ Terri quickly said. Anne did as Terri said, and called Marcy and Sasha in a group call. ‘’Hey girls I have Amazing news!’’ Anne yelled trough the phone. ‘’Jeez Boonchuy, what is the news!’’ Sasha said in a teasing voice. ‘’Yeah Anne I’m curious what made you so happy!’’ Marcy added. ‘’Well Terri found a way to get back to Amphibia for a visit!’’ Anne squealed out quickly. ‘’No way! Boonchuy tell me this is not a joke.’’ ‘’No Sasha it is not a joke.’’ ‘’You mean I can see my ugly toad dad again!’’ ‘’Yes Sasha. How about you Marcy are you excited?’’ Anne asked. ‘’Y-yeah of course I am very happy!’’ Marcy said with fake joy and a fake smile. ‘’Marce something is bothering you, we can see it from a mile away. So please tell me and Anne what is bothering you.’’ Sasha told Marcy. ‘’Oh.’’ Was all that Marcy could say. ‘’Marshmallow you okay?’’ Anne asked. Marcy quickly hung up and let out a deep sigh. How in the world was she supposed to explain that she has frequent panic attacks, and still has ptsd of her time in the core. Marcy only knew one thing, she was not ready to head back. Anne and Sasha quickly agreed in the call to get to Marcy’s house and see what is wrong. Luckily Marcy was staying at an apartment near Anne’s place.

Anne and Sasha hurried over to Marcy’s place. Luckily Anne had a spare key of Marcy’s apartment. They quickly went inside to see Marcy having a full blown panic attack. ‘’No-o you are gone. Sasha got rid of you! Why.. Why can I still hear you.’’ Marcy mumbled Sasha and Anne looked at each other horrified. They ran over towards Marcy and tried to comfort her. Marcy panicked even more and pushed both of them away. Marcy ran towards her bathroom and locked herself in. ‘’Marcy please come out we want to help!’’ Anne yelled. ‘’I-I am so sorry I can’t…” Marcy said softly with a panicked and sad tone. Before anyone could say anything their hair started glowing in their respective colours. Anne Blue, Sasha Pink and Marcy a bright Green. Then a big white flash came in front of their eyes. Sasha and Anne fell down on the ground, but instead of the wooden planks in the apartment it was soft grass. Anne and Sasha opened their eyes and saw Amphibia. ‘’ We are really here, but how’’ Anne said quickly. ‘’Anne where is Marcy?’’ Sasha asked with worry.

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