I'm Yours Only

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Xie Lian

I hummed happily as the sun's warm rays gently woke me from my peaceful slumber. I was especially happy considering today was my twenty-third birthday. I was happy for every birthday I was lucky enough to experience but this birthday would be the first birthday I spent with my boyfriend San Long.

I quickly got up and dressed myself in a beautiful light blue rove with white pants and black leather boots that had a square heel at the end. San long had gifted me these last year. I only wore them when it was cold or for special occasions.

I put part of my hair up in its usual bun and sprayed on a little bit of cologne.

"Happy birthday your highness"

Fu Yao and Nan Feng both said  contacting me telepathically

"Must the two of you always be so formal? You can call me Xie Lian or even Xie for that matter

"It would be be inappropriate". Nan Feng said.

"You're the prince," Fu Yao said

They're just like their generals

"I appreciate both congratulations. Thank you both"

"You're welcome," They said in unison.

"Are you still wanting to go to the parade today"? Fu Yao asked.

"Yes, I was hoping we could pick up dumplings on the way there"

"Anything you want birthday boy". Nan Feng said.

I smiled but was soon greeted by a new voice. His voice.

"Morning beautiful and happy birthday. Did you sleep well"?

"Thank you and I did. I dreamt of you all night long"

"Good boy. Any plans today" 

"Nan Feng, Fu Yao and I are going to the parade that's being held today. I'll understand if you can't come"

"I'm sorry love, I would love to go but you know I'm not welcomed there"

"No no, it's ok I understand. We'll just celebrate by ourselves later"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

The decorations were beautiful. The buildings were decorated beautifully with gold ornaments. Streamers went from one building to another. People were walking around talking amicably, others were eating away merely, some were playing with toy drums that you have to turn back and forth for the ball to hit, others had paper fans in their hands and others had either sweet treats or frozen treats.

I smiled as I walked along the streets with Nan Feng and Fu Yao beside me, each of us with a freshly made dumping in our hand, mine was made with freshly cut vegetables only.

"Anything particular you want to do your highness"? Fu Yao asked. I took a bite of my dumpling and shook my head. "Are you sure? There are a few booths set up". "Nah, I'm just enjoying the fact that I don't have to perform in the parade".

Neither of them said anything about my last performance not wanting to upset me and I appreciated that greatly. "Do you know why they're having this parade"? Fu Yao asked. "It's to celebrate all of the past great warriors. The actions and good deeds they did before they ascended will also be a part of the parade". "I see". "Mhm".

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