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Max's POV

The next day, I ended up waking up at like seven. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I decided to get up and go for a walk. I put on some jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie, then put on my shoes. I quickly put my hair into a low ponytail, grabbed my phone and my skateboard and headed downstairs. I silently opened the door and closed it again once I was outside.

I walked a little ways down the road, then got on my skateboard. I skated for a long time. I ended up in the middle of town. Jeez for  it being early in the morning, there sure is a lot of traffic already. I thought.

I skated forr a long time and ended up  at a place called Cobra Kai Karate. Hm, seems interesting.  I thought. I skated up to the door and that's when I noticed two people inside. I saw a random blonde dude and... Robby? What the hell is he doing here? I thought. Suddenly, Robby turned to look at me and I quickly skated away.

Robby's POV

I was helping my dad  set up some things at the dojo before we opened. "Hey Robby, after we're done with these mats, why don't you clean these windows?" Dad said. "Okay." I said, before looking out the window. When I looked, I saw Max. "Holy shit." I muttered.  I saw her run out of sight and I quickly got up to go follow her. "Robby, where you going?" Dad asked. "Sorry dad, I forgot I told Miguel I would meet with him and Hawk today.We're going to be doing stuff all day, so I have to go. Sorry." I told him before darting out of the dojo. Of course that was a lie. I didnt wanna tell him the real reason I ran out of the dojo because if I did, he'd ask all kinds of questions, starting with, Is she hot? Of course I would tell him yes because I mean look at her, she's smokin.

I ran in the direction she ran after grabbing my skateboard from inside really quick. Good thing I ran out there in time because I saw her skating away really quick. I quickly got on my skateboard and hurried after her. I wanted to ask her why she went to the dojo, then ran when she saw me.

I eventually caught up to her. We were at a traffic light and Max wanted to cross over, but we had to stop. "Robby, why the hell were you following me?" She asked. "I wanted to know why you went to the dojo and ran when I saw you." I told her. "Why were you there?" She questioned. "I was helping my dad set stuff up for today's lesson." I said. Apperently she had forgotten I had told her a bit about Cobra Kai. Well, just what we do to flinchers. "Did you forget I told you I do karate yesterday?" I asked. "Oh. Yeah I did forget." She admitted.

"Why did you run away?" I asked. "I didn't know you were there. When you saw me I panicked. So I ran." She told me. The light on the crosswalk turned to walk, so we grabbed our skateboards and walked across the street.

We walked for a few minutes and talked. "So Where are you and your friends from Max?" I asked. "I'm originally from here, but then I moved to Hawkins, Indiana. That's where I met my friends." She told me. "Oh, okay." I replied. "Yeah. I'm used to not hearing a lot of city noises." She told me. "Makes sense since you live in a small town." I said. We ended up walking to a Dairy Queen.

"Wanna get icecream?" I asked. "Oh hell yeah." She replied. I grabbed her hand and we ran to it. When we got inside, we ordered strawberry and chocolate. When we left, we didn't know what to do next. We walked around for a while, bored. "What should we do now?" Max asked. "What about the mall? We can just look at stuff and talk I guess." I suggested. "Okay." She replied.

When we got to the mall, we ran into Sam and Miguel. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Miguel asked. " We're just hanging out. What about you guys?" I said. "Oh, we're out on a date." Sam said. "Oh, well have fun." Max told them. "Robby, can I talk to you for a minute?" Miguel asked. "Um, sure. While we're talking, you girls can also talk I guess." I said.

Max's POV

I watched as Miguel and Robby walked away. "You like him, don't you?" Sam asked. "What? No I don't." I denied. "Oh, please, I can see how you look at him." Sam told me. "Why would I like him? We just met yesterday." I told her. "You can't fight love." She said. The two of us then looked at Miguel and Robby. I noticed they looked back at us and Sam and I looked back at each other. "If I were you, I'd tell him. Or just ask him out." Sam said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Yeah, well that's not gonna happen, because I don't like him." I told her as the boys came back over to us. 

Robby's POV

Miguel then led me to where Max and Sam couldn't hear. "What is it, dude?" I asked. "Do you like Max?" Miguel asked. "How could I like her? We literally just met yesterday." I said. "Yeah? So? You can't fight love," Miguel said, looking at the girls, then looking back at me. "And besides, I see how you keep looking at her." "Shut up." I said. We both laughed a bit. "Whatever. I ship it." Miguel told me before we walked back to the girls.

"What were you guys talking about?" Miguel asked. "Oh, just girl stuff." Sam said. "Well, we'd better go. Have fun doing whatever you guys were doing." Miguel said, grabbing Sam's hand. "Bye, see you later at practice." I said, before they walked away.

"What should we do now?" I asked. "Arcade?" Max asked. "Oh hell yeah. Race you there." I said, before running off. Max and I played video games at the arcade until it was time for me to go to karate practice. "You can come and watch if you want." I told her as we started heading back to Moon's house, which thankfully was only a few minutes away from the dojo. "Uh, see you later I guess." Max said. "Yeah, see you later." I said, before skating away on my skateboard.

When I got to the dojo, dad said, "Robby, you're late." "Sorry da-Sensei. I was listening to music and lost track of time." I told him. "Whatever, go do thirty push ups on your knuckles." He replied. "Yes Sensei." I said, before doing so. When I was on my third push up, Hawk came in with El. What are they doing together? I thought. "Sorry I'm late Sensei. Is it okay if my girlfriend watches?" He said. "Yeah, sure. Do thirty push ups on your knuckles for being late." Dad told him. "Yes Sensei." Hawk replied, going over to where I was. "Girlfriend?" I whispered. "She's not actually my girlfriend, I just told that to Sensei." Hawk whispered back. I rolled my eyes as I continued my push ups.

Promise: Robby Keene and Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now