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Max's POV

"Wait, so we're going to California for the summer?" Dustin asked. "For the last time, yes. My mom already payed for our tickets." I told him. "Cool. When's our flight?" Mike asked. "THe day after tomorrow." I told them. "Hell yeah. Vacation in Cali." Lucas said, excited.

A few days later, I was getting my stuff ready, when Billy came into my room. I sighed. "What?" I asked. "Susan wants to talk to you." He told me. "Okay." I told him, getting up. When I got to my mom, she said, "Max, your dad wants to see you when you get to California. He told me he lives in Encino. Here's his address." "Thanks mom." I said, before going back to my room.

Later on, Steve came to pick me up. I said goodbye to my mom, stepdad, and Billy. Steve and I then went to pick up our friends. When we got to the airport, Steve told us to be careful and all that crap. "Steve, can we go now?" I begged. "Okay, fine."Steve replied. 

When we got to Encino, we made our way to my dad's house. When we got there, I found out something I never thought would happen.  My dad was rich. His house was huge. He must have a million dollars. I thought. I rang the doorbell and about a minute later, dad opened the door. He looked about the same, only with nicer clothes. "Maxy, you're here. And you brought your friends." He said. "This is Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Will and El." I introduced. "Nice to meet you all. Come in." 

We all walked to the living room. "Um sit down kids." Dad told us. We all sat down on one of the biggest couches any of us have ever seen. "Dad, what's going on?" I asked, confused. "You see honey, While I went away from you and your mom, I got remarried." Dad told me. "You got remarried?" I asked. "Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. My wife and her daughter are nice. Honey, come here a minute!" Dad said. 

Suddenly, a woman with light brown hair came from the kitchen. "Yes sweetie?" She asked. "This is my daughter Max and her friends. Kids, this is my wife Linda. Where's Moon?" Dad introduced. "She's out with Sam and Yasmine. She said she'll be back soon." Linda explained. "Oh, okay. You guys will meet her when she comes back." Dad told us. "I'll show you guys to your rooms." Linda said. "Thank you Mrs Mayfield. I'm Mike by the way. This is Dustin, Lucas, Will, and El." "Your very welcome Mike. It's nice to meet you all." Linda said. She reminded me of Mike's mom, and not in a good way.

"And finally, this is your room Max." Linda told me. "Thanks." I muttered. I went into the room. At least it's not all girly and pink and shit. I thought. All the walls were white and the blankets were blue and green checkered. There was a closet and a desk on the opposite wall of the bed. "Well, it's better than nothing." I muttered, when I noticed Linda was gone. I set my stuff down on the bed and opened my duffle bag.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked like she was my age. "Hi. I'm Moon. Jack said you were in here." "I'm Max." I introduced myself. "I love your style by the way." Moon said. "Um thanks?" I replied. "My mom says dinner will be ready soon and that us and your friends need to set the table." Moon told me. "Um okay." I said. 

When we were eating dinner, Moon was telling dad and Linda about what her and her friends did all day. "Hey, maybe tomorrow you can take Max and her friends with you while you hang out with your friends." Linda told Moon. "Okay. Maybe we'll go to the mall or something." Moon replied. "Well tell me what you guys are doing in the morning before I go to work, so I'll know if I need to give you guys money." Dad told told us. "Okay, will do." Moon told him. "Anyways, you kids should get to bed. You have a long day of having fun tomorrow." Dad told us. "Whatever, lets go to bed. I'm tired anyways." I said, getting up.

I had a hard time falling asleep that night. I could've swore I heard Linda and Dad doing 'it'. I put in my earbuds and turned my music up loud and I eventually fell asleep.

Promise: Robby Keene and Max MayfieldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin