~Chapter 1~ The Experiment ☠️

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The same old routine every day.

I get so fucking bored of the same old dance over and over again.

My claws scrapped against the metal table I was seated at, the rough skin on my arms met the cold metal surface of the table. I hissed at the food that was set in front of me.

No meat... I... Want... Meat

You'd find this situation funny, honestly. Seeing something as horrific as me throwing a tiny temper tantrum over the fact that all was on my plate was veggies.

They know I hate this shit... But why do they continue to give it to me?

I wouldn't have mind much for fruit, I can tolerate that much but vegetables? At this point I wish this was poison...

They said at least take 5 bites, but I can't explain the taste of these in my mouth...

It feels wrong to eat this...

My sharp teeth ripping into a carrot and beginning to slowly chew it up... But that's how far I'll get. I would just continue chewing it until it's mush, but I'll never swallow.

Soon- I could feel the two sets of eyes on me... That female scientist from earlier with that bobbed haircut and a bold male beside her, their outfits similar.

The male was pale in color, his eyes blue and face sharp. He was well built... Ish? I never seen him hit the gym in this space station...

Each held a clipboard and sat across from me, jutting down notes on what I do.

I could still feel the texture of what was in my mouth, the mush that it was... I spat it up at that point.

I was not gonna allow that shit to enter my body, my system, ME.

"X-" oh great, they are using that name... "you have to at least eat some."

I just replied with a simple gesture, snapping my second mouth towards her. Amusing... Both flinched at that... "Watch it." The males voice was stern, I knew him well...

He hated me for what I was, but also on the fact that I have come so close to slitting his throat.

He's a waste of air and space on this station... If he's out of the way, more room for me.
Maybe then I could have a better room... Likely not.

"You better behave yourself... X..." Now I hate that name more... "We have a ship coming into the station here soon and I don't want you tormenting the ones aboard."

My gaze remained unamused, uninterested... I was not pleased... "Strangers?" I asked, my head slowly tilting to one side as I gave off a few clicks.

"Yes." The female nodded, her voice softer, more likable... He should ask her for tips... Maybe then people would start liking him.
Actually... Not likely.

"And don't worry, they won't bug you. But you will be staying in your confinement." She explained to me.

"What?!" I hissed, my back arching as my claws gripped the table. My tail aggressively swayed behind me as I stared daggers at them. "This my place! I roam." At times, my English is relatively broken, because I'm hissing while I speak.

"We know..." She sighed before looking towards her companion.
"But it's for safety... Safety on both ends." She then looked back at me, my eye still narrowed, my tail thumping the ground which indicated to them that I was not pleased.

They know, they already know what I wanna do to these strangers... But I held off on saying anything else.
My claws slowly let go of the table and I pulled them to rest in front of me. I pushed my food away with my tail before I got up.

"Where do you think you are going?" The guy asked, standing up with me.

"Room." A deep rumble escaped my throat as my feet hit the ground. I walked slightly slouched, easier that way when you have backwards knees.

Small hisses escaped my lips as I walked, but I soon realized the two scientists were slowly following me to make sure I get back to my chamber. Annoying it was, constantly having to be monitored... I'm not a child, but that is how it was.

Because they knew what I was capable of...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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