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The way that Kita was tossing and turning in her bed, one would be forgiven if they assumed that she and Bocchi only made progress in their relationship by trading it for their sleep.

"Guh... What the heck was she thinking?"

At first, the 2 of them had been relatively chaste, only kissing once or twice a day, but over time, They'd gone from hand kisses in the privacy of the closet, to holding hands in public, to... well, 'sampling' one another.

"Who knew that Hitori-chan could be so assertive...?" Kita crossed her arms over her mouth, her face glowing a bright red as she dug herself into her pillow.

It wasn't always like this! Kita could've sworn that just a few months ago, Hitori had been flinching whenever Kita so much as looked in her direction! So in the beginning, she thought that she would be the one to help get her acclimated, get her used to physical and emotional intimacy, and maybe even get Hitori to initiate herself sometimes! That's how it was supposed to be! Kita was the one more experienced with human relationships, so naturally, she would be the one to take the lead!

Though all of that was a little hard to think about when she'd just had someone else's tongue in her mouth.

Truthfully, Kita had no one to blame but herself. 'Assertive Bocchi' had been a creature of Kita's own making and no matter how rarely she came out in the beginning, she'd started appearing more and more in recent times. Whether it was the culture festival, or their first kiss, or the headache home visit that had just happened, Kita wasn't sure, but somewhere along the line, or little by little, Kita felt that her position as the leader in the relationship was slowly slipping away.

And despite all that, despite how much closer they'd grown, everything from light pecks to making out turned both girls into a flustered mess by the end. They'd grown used to hand-holding, but hugs and any sort of kisses were still new territory.

Honestly though, she didn't really mind.

With a sigh, Kita rolled over, staring at her ceiling as she wondered:

"Wonder what she's thinking right now..."

Meanwhile, in Bocchi's room...


Bocchi's wall was not having a good time.

"Still, I can't just let what happened last time happen again..."

Kita shuddered at the memory of nearly running away from her problems again before pulling out her phone.

Yeah, that's right. I've gotta at least let her know how I feel.

Despite the time, Bocchi was still online, so Kita was hardly surprised when her message was immediately marked as read.

"Hey, Hitori-chan! Wanna take the train to practice together tomorrow?"

And she didn't have to wait long before receiving a short:

"Meet you there!"

Plugging in her phone, Kita felt a smile tugging at her lips as she drifted off to sleep.


The train was relatively full for the weekend. When Bocchi stepped onto the train, she noticed that while there were no free seats, she was still able to spot Kita from several cars down.

"O-oi, Icchan!"

Hearing her voice, Kita flushed slightly but smiled all the same, waving and walking up to Bocchi.

"H-hi there, Hitori-chan."

The 2 of them stood next to each other as Kita took a deep breath in and out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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