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A world that's unknown to many, is a world that injects curiosity into us.
That is what starts many journeys, humans have colonized so many planets that you could be counting for days.

Curiosity is one of danger...

Humans have it all the time... If one don't know any better, one could be at deaths door without even knowing.

That is how things have ended up where they are now...

"Make sure they're responsive."

I can hear one say, but I never open the one eye I have...
Why would I need too? I could sleep here in this little chamber they have set up for me.

They would ask me a question and I would give a simple flick of my tail in response, you a twitch of a limb then keep sleeping.

But what would catch my attention would be the remarks of how I'm coming out.

"Their knees are bent backwards."

"Why do they have a tail?"

"One eye? Where's the other one?"

"We should just start over."

I would wish for them to put me out of my misery, but they wouldn't sense I'm fully developed and conscious.

But my life has been laid out, and for once... I'm ready to open my eye to it.


"Wake up."

I woke up with a jolt. My dreadlocks falling over my face and swaying as I slowly got off the ground.

I let out a hiss at who woke me, my blue eye making eye contact with the scientist.
Short bobbed hair, brown in color. Skinny, tan skin... Green hazel eyes, rosy cheeks- but only because she's wearing makeup.
I still don't understand the concept of makeup... Seems pointless.

She wore what you would expect a scientist to wear, white lab coat that almost touches the ground, a white shirt underneath with blue jeans.

I would gladly rip those jeans to make them look nice... But my actions would be punished.

"Morning, experiment XXX."

"You really give better name..." I couldn't help myself, I brought it upon myself to think of a better name if they didn't... Sense humans are so stubborn about certain things...

"We can always just call you- X?" She suggested, which caused me to scrunch my nose... Luckily I still had a nose.

"I'll take that as a no... Anyways, normal routine, get yourself stretched and awake, I'll come back in 30 minutes tops."

With that, she left... Leaving me in my well confined chamber.
Feels more like a prison... I can't complain though, it does it's job with providing me a place to rest.

Though I long to get out...

But- I do as I'm told... I slowly get up, my human bones cracking as I stretched my limbs. I began to make my way to a wall, any wall- they are all reflective.

Then... I look at myself... See what's new.

My skin is still grey in color, my black dreadlocks cover half my face, going past my shoulders and to the middle of my back. Black and shiny... Clean... for the time being...

I then lift up my shirt, my human skin stops at my shoulders and torso, then I have an exoskeleton growing from my legs and arms... I have a bit on my head.

I lower my shirt, staring at the one eye on my face, my left eye. If you remove my Xenomorph tail, arms and legs, and maybe remove the second mouth inside my mouth- 'but honestly, I would like to keep that...' I would actually look human...

But deep down... I'm changing... Ever so slowly... My skin wasn't always so grey in color, it changed... I'm partly blind in my one eye, it wasn't always like that... I didn't always have a second mouth... That use to be a tongue.

But my weight has been subsiding... I'm becoming skinnier as time goes on, you can see the bones under my flesh... I can also feel slight bumps on my back, but also one bump on each side under my arms...

In the end- the scientists want to keep me alive, all because they are curious as to what will happen to me... Ima just change into a Xenomorph at the end of this little cycle... No doubt about it. It's simple really... Or maybe I'm just over thinking things.

It's only a matter of time... And they are all just as curious as me...

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