Chapter III - Lifting the Curtains

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Chabashira-sensei immediately stopped walking to the classroom exit and looked at me stunned. Apart from the momentary lapse in her cold and emotionless facade directly caused by my not-so-innocent question, I also observed how her expression and demeanor were more guarded and reserved than usual.

This was not a mere coincidence. The expulsion of Kushida Kikyou and Chabashira-sensei's troubled state of mind was in a direct connection with each other. She would have never expected that after threatening me with expulsion before our mutual meeting with Horikita, the first action taken by me would be an expulsion of Kushida of all people.

She might have considered this as an open declaration of war and a full sign of uncooperativeness. In reality, it was nothing but a mere coincidence. I had no realistic reason for getting rid of Kushida.

If not for her forgetfulness and the subsequent meeting at the rooftop, this would have been another normal day for our class. Would Chabashira-sensei realize this, or even if she did not, would she believe my explanation? Did I even care about her thoughts regarding the current situation?

For an expected peaceful homeroom session, this day ended up being anything but peaceful. I had almost given up hope that Chabashira-sensei heard my question and was planning to repeat it, till Sudo's coarse voice reached me:

"What do you mean Ayanokouji? What arrangement? What points? I don't get what you are saying. Do you wanna buy a new seat in the classroom or something?"

Sudo's question brought the students from their stupor and many alert gazes were directed at me. Most of my classmates looked at me as if I had grown another head. They either could not understand what my question implied or they did not find the relevancy between Kushdia's expulsion and such a drastic topic change.

It was intentional. I could have asked this question to Chabashira-sensei before the class started, somewhere in private too, but I knew the consequences of my actions and how it would affect the class. This distraction was purposeful and was made so that topic of Kushida's expulsion would not linger too much during the next couple of hours.

'What a kind person I am, caring about my classmates and their mental state'.

Chabashira-sensei's expression went through many different changes - shock, curiosity, and most importantly incomprehension. The last one was the most interesting yet expected reaction from her. Sensei was probably astounded that I realized the real power of private points and their use, but more importantly, she was perplexed about the question being asked in general.

Now, it would not have been so surprising for her if Hirata or Horikita asked the question because they did not try to hide their abilities, but the same case did not apply to me. For almost two months I acted as an average high school student never showcasing either academic or physical abilities.

This, of course, was intended. Every single action today was calculated to attack Sensei's preconceptions about me as directly as possible. I needed her to understand that whatever ideas or plans she held in secret about me, were completely irrelevant and I would act accordingly to negate her threats.

"Yes Sudo, you understood my question correctly. I do want to buy a new seat".

I thought that my straightforward answer would negate Sudo's curiosity, but instead, it caused even more confusion in the class.

"What do you mean Ayanokouji-kun. Since when can we change our seating arrangement? Besides, did you ask Sensei to sell you something? Are you out of your mind?"

Horikita, after being silent for the whole homeroom session, finally could not take my unexplainable attitude and actions and decided to confront me about them in a roundabout way. The question, while intriguing in itself for Horikita, was in reality a snaking attack.

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