Their date at night & Upendi

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~Kiara's  POV~
At night, Kovu and Kiara lie on their backs stargazing on the savanna. He asked me ," Did you see that ?" I laughed  , " Oh yes !"  While I point at the night sky with full of stars , I comment about the shape of a star, " There's one look like a baby rabbit. It looks cute . Did you see the fluffy tail ? " Kovu said " Yes . "  We talk about the stars and I told him that my dad Simba and I used to do this when I was a cub  all the time and The Great Kings of the Past were up there even though Kovu told me that  had  never done this before .
Kovu's POV
I asked ," Do you think that Scar is up there ? " then  I told  Kiara that Scar wasn't my biological dad but he was still part of me.  My girlfriend Kiara said that her dad Simba was a darkness in Scar that couldn't escape but maybe there was a darkness in me too."
(When Shani and Hazani came too )
Shani's POV.
Hazani and I see the stars too and its shape look like a kitten. I love stargazing with my one and only boyfriend Hazani like Kovu and Kiara while Kion and Rani see the stars at the middle hill with us while Kovu and Kiara are on the left and while my parents are on the right. Kion is joining us to see the stars at night with our family. It was great to see a lovely view at night . We love it.

Nala's POV.
My husband  Simba told his dad Mufasa that he was lost . Kovu is one of them and mine and Simba's son in law , and Scar's heir. Simba asked , " How can I accept him ?" From off screen I called , "Simba ? " I sit next to my husband. He said that he was counseling with the Great Kings of the Past. It helped.

~ No ones POV ~

After stargazing ,Kovu and Kiara went to Upendi. Then Rafiki sang Upendi. Kovu and Kiara say goodnight and they sleep together outside the den.

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