Pre-teen Kiara and Kiara's Ex

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Kiara is 14 years old and she started to date Asad. Kiara wanted to date Asad and marry him in the future . The relationship between Kiara and Asad was only a month. Kiara and Asad met on the Pride Rock was still in the Outlands. They used to be friends.

After a month, Asad became very mean and rejected Kiara's marriage proposal even though she asked him to marry him. He hit Kiara on her face and yelled at her , " I'm not in love with you, Kiara. I'm done and I'm breaking up with you . ."

Then ,Simba asked Kiara to break up with Asad because she was too young to date .Simba and Nala were a little bit worried when their eldest daughter dated a mean lion .He also knew that Asad was mean to her,Kovu ,Simba and Nala . Simba scolded Asad angrily ," You're EXILED FOREVER !"

Kiara was crying about her break-up. Kovu comforted Kiara and asked her ," What's wrong ,Kiara ? Are you okay ? "
Kiara said ," No,I wasn't okay. Asad hit me on my face and it was hurt.I'm sad because Asad broke up with me for no reason. He said to me that he didn't love me. " Her parents,Simba and Nala nuzzled her . Shani and Kion also comfort their big sister Kiara by huffing her whilst Kovu rubs his paw on her neck when cheering her up. " It's okay.,my love . There's no need to cry anymore . It's not your fault. " Kiara thanked Kovu," Thanks for comforting me when I was heartbroken . I love you so much Kovu and now I want to date you. I love you because you're nice ,brave and strong. Kovu said to Kiara ," I love you too. " then Kiara stopped crying and let go off her past. Finally ,Kovu and Kiara start falling love and dating .

Kovu apologized to Kiara ," I'm sorry for calling you a " Pridelander " . And she said ," That's okay. Please don't say that again. We'll treat each other nicely. " Kovu and Kiara kept their promises. Kiara becomes kovu's girlfriend finally.

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