The Outlands

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Kovu and Vitani were still cubs while Nuka is a teen. Zira scolded Kovu for befriending Kiara but he thought that Kiara is nice. Kiara wasn't in the Outlands she's playing with Asad ,who has golden brown  fur with light brown mane and blue eyes like Nala and   her soon to be ex- boyfriend. 

In the Outlands ,the sky is orange while day time . The sky is red when the sun sets. There is less food and drink contrast to the Pridelands.
Zira sang to Kovu " My Lullaby."

After Kovu grew up,he planned a revenge to kill Simba but he failed. Kovu didn't believe in evil things. Zira asked him to do bad things. Kovu became a nicer lion.

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