Chapter 2

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My name is zane. I have black hair with brownish/ slite purplelish skin. Don't judge. I'm just 10 percent alien. Years before my father discovered an alien space craft. Oh and believe me when i tell you not even nasa noticed it. He found the space craft and decided it was up to him to investigate it. He was immediately injected with the serum that rearange his DNA. ( so now I'm a blood type x). He was given abilities that remained dorment in me. After seeing the alien space craft my father and some of his close friends created an orginasation to travel around the world and destroy any proofof alien activity and or outbreak. They were known to the united nations presidents as SHADOW.(Secret Homeland Alien Department Of the World). I was recruted on my 14 birthday. And wouldn't you know it two months after my recrutement they emergerd. Trying to show themselves to the world. But that when we step in to stop the alien invasion and enslavement of the human race.(opps spoilers).wellthen this is the story. Hope you enjoy.

A/n this was kind of short but hey theres always chapter 3 . so yeah thanks to all who read this book. Il post the nest chapter as soon as i am done.

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