Chapter 1

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Evah ouy dnouf eht tenalp nwonk sa htrae.(have you found the planet knownel as earth).

Sey ris ew evah. Tub yhw si ti tnatropmi.(yes sir we have, but why is it important)

Ti snaitnoc eht esrocer rof su ot eb ta a sulprus.(it contains recorse for us to be at a surplus)

Yrev llew ris.(very well sir.)

Nhew era ew gnivira ot htrae.(when are we ariving to earth.)

Ni tuoba § sruoh.(in about two hours).

Ni § sruoh ew eht VekTakz Novii (pick above) lliw eb gnivil gnoma eht numuh ecar ni terces.(in two hours we will be living among the human race in secret.)

- at NASA -
"Sir we have an un identified object coming into earth orbit."
"Leave it be it's probably one of our dead satalites."
"But sir it is entering our atmosphere."
" leave it be, i'll burn up during rentry so let it be tremor"
" of course sir"

-Third person pov-
Seeing that his chief scientist was wrong he dicided that he would investigate the crash site and was suprise at what he found.

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