Chapter 6

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Armin's mind raced as he prepared for a rematch against Y/n. "I've been training so hard to beat her in this chess game," he thought to himself with determination. He believed her previous loss resulted from distractions caused by her phone addiction.

Whispering to himself, Armin muttered, "But now that we have a rematch, I can't afford to lose. Even if I know deep down I still can't beat her, it's worth a try."

Realizing his teammates were leaving the town since the program had come to an end, Armin knew he had to get going. As he wandered through town, he unexpectedly spotted Muichiro hugging a girl in a pink dress. Remembering rumors about the two being a couple, Armin couldn't help but wonder if there was truth to the gossip.

Observing Y/n watching them with a hint of sadness, Armin speculated, "Does she like Muichiro? Or is she just feeling jealous now? Wait, isn't that the same thing?" He noticed Y/n crossing her arms and shooting a jealous gaze at Muichiro and Nezuko.

Curiosity pushed Armin to approach Y/n. "Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" he asked calmly, concern etched on his face.

She glanced away, attempting to hide her emotions. "Oh... yeah, why?" she replied, her voice shaky.

Armin could see through her facade. "I can tell you're about to cry any second now," he said gently.

Y/n's voice quivered as she questioned, "What makes you think that?"

"You've been looking at Muichiro and Nezuko this whole time. Are you jealous?" Armin raised an eyebrow, conveying his suspicion.

Surprised, Y/n stared at him before vehemently denying his accusation. "No, I'm not looking at them!" she defended herself.

"You know denying it is only going to hurt you more," Armin stated matter-of-factly.

Defeated, Y/n admitted, "I... Fine, I feel jealous, okay?" Her anger now intermingled with tears.

Awkward silence engulfed them until Y/n apologized for unleashing her anger on Armin. Tears streamed down her face as she continued, "But I have no right to be jealous of her." She gazed at Muichiro and Nezuko, who were still laughing together.

"They're happy, aren't they?" Armin said sadly, his gaze also fixed on the couple.

"Yeah, they are, and I know I have no right to be jealous," Y/n acknowledged, looking back at Armin.

"You do have a right to be jealous since you like him. But I suggest you shouldn't make it obvious to them. Muichiro might distance himself from you if he finds out, and Nezuko might feel insecure," Armin suggested, hoping to offer some advice.

Y/n nodded, absorbing his words. Curiosity soon sparked another question in her mind. "Did you confess to Origami?" she inquired.

"Confess? To Origami?" Armin's confusion was evident. "I don't like her, Y/n," he clarified.

Y/n seemed surprised yet relieved by his response. "You don't like her?" she repeated, seeking confirmation.

"I don't like her. I have a girlfriend back in my hometown, Y/n," Armin stated firmly, a serious expression on his face.

Y/n realized her assumption had been wrong and quickly apologized for jumping to conclusions. "Okay, fine, but don't always assume. Otherwise, my girlfriend might find out and feel insecure," Armin warned her.

"Sorry about that. I won't assume anymore. But Agni is the one who assumed, not me. I promise I'll beat him up for you, Armin," Y/n offered jokingly, a smile gracing her face.

"Agni is always such a jerk, isn't he?" Armin lamented, his gaze still fixed on Y/n.

"He is always a jerk, Armin. I really hope he changes someday," Y/n replied, genuine affection in her voice.

Realizing it was time to leave, Armin bid Y/n goodbye. "I need to go now since the program I attended is over. I'll see you next year if I'm lucky enough to attend again," he said, a smile forming on his lips.

"Same here. If I'm lucky enough to be chosen for the program again, Armin," Y/n echoed his sentiment, returning his smile.

With their farewells exchanged, Armin joined his teammates on the bus that would take them back to their hometown. After three long hours, they finally arrived, greeted by eager parents. Armin's eyes instantly sought out his girlfriend, Anne.

"I missed you, Armin!" Anne exclaimed, running up to him and embracing him tightly.

"I missed you too, Anne," Armin replied, returning the embrace and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. Finally reunited with his girl, Armin pushed thoughts of jealousy and longing to the back of his mind.

He had experienced a rollercoaster of emotions with Y/n, sparking a curiosity he didn't expect. But as he held Anne in his arms, Armin couldn't help but feel content and grateful for the love he had right in front of him.

Its cringe isn't it?
Pls check out my other book

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