Chapter 4

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Y/n walked into the library, searching for some books to read. As Y/n browsed through the shelves, they couldn't help but notice Origami's peculiar behavior. Approaching Origami, Y/n asked, "Hey Origami! What are you doing here?"

Surprised, Origami replied, "Oh! Hi Y/n. Just getting some books myself." Y/n then ask "By the way, who's that blond guy? I couldn't help but notice the way you looked at him."

Caught off guard, Origami hesitated for a moment before saying, "Well... let's just drop the topic, Y/n."

Unsatisfied with the response, Y/n sighed and said, "Fine."

Later, in the coffee room, Y/n and F/n met up with Origami. F/n, always eager for some gossip, suggested, "Hey, let's gossip!"

Rolling their eyes, Y/n agreed reluctantly, "Alright, what do you have in mind?"

F/n leaned in and whispered, "Do you know who the unbeatable chess player is?"

Curious, Y/n asked, "Who?"

With a mischievous smile, F/n revealed, "Armin. That's the name."

Komushi, overhearing the conversation, chimed in, "Oh! You mean Sasori's brother?"

Confused, Y/n wondered aloud, "But how come Sasori has red hair while Armin is blond?"

Komushi, always knowledgeable, explained, "Actually, their mom has red hair, and their dad is blond. So it's a mix of their parents' traits."

Y/n's gaze shifted towards Origami, who had been silent throughout the conversation. "He's the one who checkmated you, right, Origami?" Y/n asked.

Origami simply nodded in response.

Y/n couldn't help but notice Origami's fondness for Armin. Y/n decided to confront Origami about their feelings. "You know, Origami, I think you like this Armin guy. I can see it in the way you look at him when you play together at the library."

Admitting their feelings, Origami confessed, "No, I don't like him. But you're one to talk."

Confused, Y/n asked, "What do you mean?"

Smiling knowingly, Origami said, "Well, I've seen the way you interact with Muichiro. You seem quite interested in him."

Caught off guard, Y/n stuttered, "Did you overhear our conversation?"

Origami shook their head, replying, "No, but I saw it with my own eyes, Y/n."

Trying to downplay the situation, Y/n dismissed it, saying, "Don't make a big deal out of it, Origami. It was just a handshake."

Origami, however, persisted, "Oh, but the way you look at Muichiro truly amazes me, Y/n."

Taken aback, Y/n asked, "Do you know him before I do?"

Origami nodded, explaining, "Yeah, he also plays chess. He's one of the unbeatable ones, just like Armin. But even though Armin is goo, Muichiro somehow is even better at playing chess than him."

Intrigued, Y/n pondered, "Do you like him or love him?"

Unable to provide a clear answer, Origami replied, "Heh! I can't answer that. You should ask yourself first how you feel towards Muichiro."

Just then, Sasori, Komushi, and Muichiro approached the group. Sasori called out to Origami, "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere."

Komushi, always the joker, teased, "Looking for your future wife, you mean?"

Muichiro, dismissing the idea, said, "Don't you think we're still young for that, Komushi?"

Unfazed, Komushi persisted, "I know that. That's why I said 'future,' Muichiro. And that's why I'm helping you look for your future wife too."

Origami, feeling uncomfortable, interjected, "I'm not, Komushi, so stop saying things like that."

Ignoring Origami's protest, Komushi continued, "Then that just leaves us with F/n and Y/n."

F/n quickly clarified, "Sorry, I'm already taken, Komushi."

Komushi turned towards Y/n and exclaimed, "So that leaves us with Y/n!"

Muichiro's gaze fixed on Y/n, and Komushi continued, "Come on, guys. I'm the best matchmaker you can find in the world."

Origami, skeptical, asked, "Really?"

Komushi confidently replied, "Come on, Y/n, give him a chance."

Y/n, hesitant, responded, "He's not asking, and we just met."

Interrupting, Muichiro spoke up, "If I asked, would you give me a chance?"

Caught off guard, Y/n replied, "That's a 'what if.'"

Undeterred, Muichiro persisted, "Then I'm asking for a chance, Y/n."

Y/n, still unsure, said, "Just like I said, we just met."

Muichiro surprised Y/n by revealing, "Actually, I've known you since last year. You were also the representative of your school, and I was amazed at how beautiful you were."

Skeptical, Y/n responded, "Nice joke. The way you said it makes me think you only like me because of my appearance."

Muichiro, determined to clarify, said, "You didn't let me finish."

Intrigued, Y/n asked, "There's more?"

Before Muichiro could respond, Agni arrived and interrupted the conversation, announcing, "There you are, Y/n and F/n. It's about dinner time, and Teacher Kanae is looking for you two."

Realizing it was time to leave, Y/n bid farewell to the group, saying, "Well, I guess I'll see you guys later."

After dinner, as Y/n prepared to sleep, thoughts of the day's events filled their mind. They wondered about the unexpected connections they had made and the uncertain path ahead. With a mixture of excitement and apprehension, Y/n drifted off into a restless sleep, eager to see what the future held.

To be continued...

Note: This rewritten version maintains the essence of the original chapter while presenting it in a more storytelling format.

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