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Chapter's title: "Let me be the one to save you"

"Dear Seunghwan
This might be stupid..
But I want to save them"

You've been really busy these days thinking about the whole situation, how to save them and the lore behind everything, from how busy you were it made the others really worried,especially

< With the others >

Keiju: "What do you mean she wants to go back?!

Sangwoon: "She wants to help Bonten from someone that is blackmailing them"

Riku: "She's nuts! Didn't she saw how they treated us?! They tortured us without any mercy!"

Jeong: "She's risking her life for those morons"

Sangwoon: "I know I know, i tried talking to her about it but she already made up her mind, we can't stop her"

Jeong: "So what do WE do? Wait for the news saying that she's a goner?" He said sarcastically

Sangwoon: "Not waiting for the news but waiting for her, when she needs our help we gotta be ready"

Keiju: "I don't see us THAT useful, we are no match for Bonten"

Sangwoon: "I know but it's the only thing that we can do to make us more useful"

The 3 men sigh deeply before agreeing

Keiju: "Fine, but if things get really hard then I'm going to stop her"

Sangwoon silently agreed, he might know you for a short time but you already meant the world to him and seeying you risking your life only made his heart break even more.

< Back to you >

(What if I go back there and.. no Y/n it's too risky, what if I kill her..? No neither that, ughhh what should I do..)

You kept walking back and forth while thinking but then someone knocked on your bedroom door

Y/n: "Come in!"

The door slowly opened reveling Keiju standing in front of the door with some sweets in a bag

Y/n: "Oh hey, what's up?"

Keiju: "The ceiling..?"

Y/n: "..I meant do you need something?"

Keiju: "Oh.. just checking on you, here" he handed you the bag full of sweets

Y/n: "Thank you so much!" You happily took the bag and looked inside

Keiju: "So.. Sangwoon told us everything and I wanted to ask, are you sure about this?"

You stopped and turned around to face him

Y/n: "I'm sure.."

Keiju: "Think about it Y/n.. if you left them be we can life peacefully without any stress,we could have moved to another city to restart our lifes together.."

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