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《Chapter's title: Shame on me》

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Chapter's title: Shame on me

⚠️This chapter contains use of drugs, torture, blood, some cheesy/cringe scenes (kissing)⚠️ if you dont like any of these please skip the chapter!

It's been a week that you have been Bonten's prisoner, they would constantly come and beat you up, mostly Akari the only ones that didn't come and hurt you were Kakucho and Mikey, Kakucho only came to visit you to clean your injuries from the others while Mikey wasn't ready to face you or even talk to you. You haven't seen from the others for awhile and you were starting to worry especially for Sangwoon since the "dream".

Ran: "Hey doll~ we're back~"

You turned to the cage door where you saw the trio, (Sanzu, Rindou and Ran if you didn't know) Ran was holding a box which contains torture weapons. You didn't say anything. You were used to it. You knew that everyday at least one of them comes to your cage and starts beating you up, and surprisingly you didn't mind, for you the most important thing was knowing how the others were, you didn't care if they would leave you rot in the cage or beat you to death you only wanted to know how the others were. When the trio entered the cage Sanzu pulled you by the hair and started punching you while the two brothers watched in the back.

Sanzu: "Remember when you said that you will haunt us if we did something to your "boss" well for me your just straight up weak, if you want to haunt us then at least show some strength " he laughed

Your blood boiled from anger, you wanted to punch him but you knew that if you react then they would hurt you even more so you just stayed silent.

After they tortured you and left Kakucho came has usual to clean you up

Y/n: "My hero has came.." you sarcastically said

He opened the door and came towards you

Kakucho: "You're bleeding more than usual.."

Y/n: "What can I say? It's not like it's the first time idiot."

He started bandaging you as always

Y/n: "how are they?"

Kakucho: "they're doing fine. Boss said that you have his consent to visit them"

You were shocked by the news, you were happy. After what felt forever you get to see them again.

Y/n: "Tell Mikey thank you."

Kakucho: "mhm"

Y/n: "so.. tell me I am the only one that you're helping or the others too?" You smirked.

Kakucho: "Why?"

Y/n: "Oh nothing~ just asking, maybe you're helping me because you like me~"

Kakucho: "I see that the drug Sanzu gave you is kicking in."

You smirked and putted your hands in his shoulders. You got closer his face for a kiss but he stopped you

Kakucho: "Stop Y/n this ain't you"

Y/n: "Awwhh come on party popper~ it's just a kiss" you pout

Kakucho: "Trust me you will regret it when you will come back to normal"

Y/n: "Oh don't worry I won't~"

Kakucho: "That what you always s-"

You caught him off guard with a kiss, you were about to deepen the kiss but Kakucho pulled away.

Kakucho: "S-stop it Y/n"

Y/n: "Why stop?" You pout

Y/n: "I know you want me~"

Kakucho couldn't help but blush, he kept bandaging you and when he was done he left quickly.

Y/n: (Rude..)

With the others
(Sangwoon, Keiju, Jeong and Riku)

The 4 men were in the same room but different cages, all of them full of scars and bruises.

Jeong: "Those fuckers.. I want to get the f#ck out of here"

Riku: "We all do Jeong."

They're conversation was interrupted by someone opening the door. Jeong looked who it was and it was obviously Kakucho.

Jeong: "Oi scar head dude how is Y/n?!"

Kakucho: "What a coincidence that's the same question she asked me." He looked at them coldly

Kakucho: "And to answer your question.. she's doing fine."

Jeong: "You better not lie!"

Kakucho: "Why would I? I couldn't care less if one of you died, I would have no pity telling the others."

He entered Jeong's cage and started cleaning the injuries and so he did with the others.

Sangwoon was silent ever since they separated you from them. He was worried sick for you

Kakucho before he left he went towards Sangwoon and kneels down they made eye contact and Kakucho saw worry in his eyes.

Kakucho: "Listen.. Mikey said that Y/n can come visit all of you tomorrow"

Sangwoon was relieved by the news and smiled a little, he nod has respons and Kakucho left.

Sangwoon: (I will finally see you again Y/n..)


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I'm so sorry that it's really short I'm doing this at 3am and
I'm really tired :') (this was kinda cringe for me:')) and sorry if you found cringe this too)

- Please ignore my bad grammar! English isn't my first language


LIKE- LOOK AT THAT POSE😭❤❤😭❤😭❤❤😭❤😭 I love them so much

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