Seeing that Hana wasn't following him, he took her hand and led her into the kitchen. He switched on the light and began rummaging through the cupboards.

"We're going to make my favourite cake."

He took out all the ingredients and they began the recipe.

Hana couldn't stop looking at the kitchen door, fearing that someone would come in and surprise them.

"Hana, you're in for a treat ! You don't know my pastry-making skills yet." he winked at her and she began to relax.

"Pass me the pot of flour, please." asked the young man. He poured some into the bowl and looked at Hana with an amused expression and a slight smile.

She understood immediately.

"Don't even think about it, Riki !" she said, holding up her finger as if that gave her a bit more authority.

A second later, she had a face full of flour.

"You're even more beautiful this way, it's better when we can't see your face." he couldn't stop laughing.

"I hate you !" the girl said as she wiped her face and dipped her hands into the bowl of flour. She chased Riki around the room and managed to smear flour on his face in return.

Hana returned to the bowl, ready to empty it again.

"That's it, stop wasting it !" shouted Riki.

Then he returned to Hana's side.

"Wait, there's something missing." she said, crushing an egg in his hair.

"Hana !"

"Even more beautiful this way !" she said, laughing at him.

Hana ran across the room to the front door to avoid having an egg dropped on her head too. Riki picked up another egg and threw it at Hana, but the door opened and the headmistress received an egg on her face.

Riki looked at Hana, trying to hold back his laughter as much as possible.

The headmistress had her hands open, still in shock at what had just happened. She was always well dressed, with good hair and make-up. It was rather funny to see her with a burst egg on her head.

But after running around the canteen, Hana was running out of air. And she'd never seen the headmistress reproach her for anything, so she knew that what was going to happen to her wasn't going to be funny.

Hana tried to breathe calmly and calm herself down. She glanced at Riki, who couldn't stop laughing, but he nodded slightly and narrowed his eyes at Hana, as if to say, "Calm down Hana, relax ! We've had a good time, that's the most important thing."

Just then the headmistress shouted across the kitchen, "You two, in my office with two hours detention !"

After a long moral lesson and a thorough clean-up of the canteen, the two friends went to the duty room to carry out their two hours of detention as planned.

"You won't even be able to taste my favourite cake." Riki said, pretending to be sad by making a duck's mouth.

"It was fun nini, I really enjoyed it." Hana added with a laugh. She could still see Riki's face full of flour and the headmistress with her egg on her head. She had done well to follow him, but the next two hours were going to be long.

They both stood next to each other, but the teacher in charge of watching them shouted across the room, "Because you thought you were going to be able to stand on each other ?"

"To be honest, yes sir." said Riki as they settled down.

"Miss, come here !" he says as he points to a table in the front row.

Riki grabbed Hana's wrist, preventing her from moving.

"Miss !" repeated the teacher, who was beginning to lose patience.

Hana turned her head towards Riki, wondering what he was doing, "Hey, you're going to stay here."

"I'm not going to say it three times." repeat the teacher tight stitches.

"Why not ?" Riki stand up from his chair and said, "She's got lung disease, I need to be with her."

The professor rolled his eyes before standing up and saying, "A cold never killed anyone young man, and I make the rules around here !"

"Except that I'm going to die soon, sir." said Hana, not daring to look the professor in the eye. Riki let go of her wrist and sat back down. The professor's eyes widened in astonishment at this revelation.

Hana whispered so that no one could hear her, "I just wanted to have fun."

The teacher sat down and said almost in a whisper, "I'm sorry." then he took his head in his hands before leaving the room.

Riki and Hana didn't dare say a word to each other, a little embarrassed by what had just happened. But Riki took a blank sheet of paper and his felt-tip pens, and began to draw.

Hana watched him attentively until he picked up his notebook and put it between them to stop her seeing what he was doing.

"Eh nini !" she said, pushing the notebook away.

"This is a surprise, Hana." then the notebook stood between them again. She put her head in his arms and fell asleep.


thank you for reading this far <3
I'll try to write better in the future ;)
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