Chapter 5: The Deathdream

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Warning: This chapter needs to be revised since it isn't the best in terms of clarity.

As the group headed toward the forest of myth, the Avengers asked Nier what they should expect from the place. Nier explained that the forest of myth is a very strange place full of people that are very vague when spoken to directly.

"I've never been there myself but from what I hear, the people there speak in riddles mostly," Nier said. "They're not always straightforward with what they mean, so it's sometimes hard to understand them."

"Sounds like a fun time," Iron Man quipped sarcastically.

"I'll bet it can be a bit frustrating at times," Nier admitted. "But we need to find out what's going on there, so we have to try our best to understand what they're saying."

"We'll manage," Black Widow assured him. "We're used to dealing with tricky situations."


The moment Nier and the Avengers entered the village, they came across the mayor's residence. Upon entering, they found the mayor sitting in a chair. The weary Mayor's voice quivered as he uttered his cautionary words, each syllable dripping with an ominous undertone.

"Beware," he warned, his voice trailing off like a haunting echo. "Beware... the words..."

The words hung in the air, laden with a sense of foreboding.

Nier stepped forward, his face etched with curiosity and concern.

"The words? What do you mean?" Nier inquired, his gaze fixed on the Mayor.

The Mayor contorted with effort as he struggled to form the words.

"Contagious...words," he gasped, his voice barely a whisper. "Those...who...dream..."

The Avengers struggled to make sense of what he meant. Nier, sharing their confusion, echoed the Mayor's cryptic phrase, trying to grasp its elusive meaning. "Those who dream?"

A peculiar sensation washed over them, enveloping their thoughts in an otherworldly embrace.

"Hold a moment," Weiss interjected, his tone quizzical. "There is a strange new sensation in my mind."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group as they struggled to find words to describe the sensation that had befallen them. Tony, known for his wit and charisma, attempted to bring levity to the situation but failed to hide his own disorientation.

"I feel like I have a hangover," Tony confessed.

Captain Rogers couldn't help but voice his concern. "Tony, did you seriously drink before this mission?" he asked with disbelief and worry etched on his face.

Tony shook his head, a perplexed expression replacing his usual cocksure demeanor. "No, I didn't," he replied, his voice betraying a sense of bewilderment. "That's what's weird."

Clint chimed in with an admission of his own. "I kinda feel that way too, honestly," he confessed.

Natasha joined the chorus of voices expressing their confusion. "It feels kind of fuzzy," she remarked.

Thor felt it as well. "This has the feel of enchantment..."

The Hulk, known for his rage and brute strength, could no longer contain his mounting frustration. "This makes Hulk mad!" he bellowed in anger.

Amidst the voices, Nier's plea for clarity rang out, a desperate attempt to unravel the mystery that had woven its threads around them. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice filled with urgency.

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